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User name pking

Log entry time 04:43:23 on February 10, 2012

Entry number 253145

This entry is a followup to: 252884


keyword=Nitrogen low pressure is 30psi instead of 50-60 as it has been; one tank shows ~0psi.

The low pressure side of the nitrogen regulators is now showing about 30psi instead of the 50-60psi which it has been over the past several days.

Of the two tanks, one is showing a high pressure of 2100 psi. The other was showing roughly 500, until I tapped the gauge, at which point it dropped to the lowest setting on the gauge.

I am not certain that I can identify the flowmeter ball in the Region 2 bubbler camera screen. There is something in the image at about where the ball ought to be, but I'm not sure if it is the ball or it is a distortion of the image.

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