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User name narayan

Log entry time 00:11:37 on February 20, 2012

Entry number 254603

keyword=Compton: details of gatewidth scan(PWTL) for electron detector

Keeping all other parameters constant, the trigger gatewidth parameter (PWTL) was varied from 15 (maximum) to 4. There were few runs at the default settings before this test was started.

Qweak was running at 75 uA (with 1.6%C) all through this test. Comparitively big tail was found in position double-differences in the online analyzer.

Following are the details of the runs taken with varying trigger gatewidth.

Run : PWTL 23914 15 23915 14 23916 13 23917 ? 23918 11 23919 10 23920 9 ... Laser phase in injector changed at the end of this run 23921 9 (due to the above, repeated) 23922 8 23923 7 23924 6 23925 5 23926 4 the parameters of the flags file changed back to regular running condition.

For the regular value, we have PWTL = 12.

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