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User name Pitt

Log entry time 13:18:09 on February 26, 2012

Entry number 255716


keyword=Background/USLUMI asymmetries and widths and recent MD (IN+OUT)/2 value

I have two primary points in this log entry:

(IN+OUT)/2 for MD in the current Wien state - R The attached Figure 1 - taken straight from the QWAC summary page - shows a (IN+OUT)/2 value of ~ -74 +/- 37 ppb - a 2 sigma deviation from zero for the usual 5 parameter MD regression. The separate asymmetry values are In_R = 112 +/- 50 ppb and Out_R = -259 +/- 54 ppb. Note that this is a different Wien state (Right) than the famous "Wien 5" (which was Left). Also, the seemingly problematic value in this case is "In", while in the Wien 5 case it was "Out". This represents about 7 days of data; so I guess we need about another 7 days of data to see if this is a 3 sigma effect.

Uslumi and Background detector asymmetries during January - February 2012 Figures 2 and 3 are the output of the QwDBGUI for good production hydrogen runs during the January - February 2012 period. Important caveat: For pmtltg and pmtonl, one needs to ignore them prior to ~ run 15600 when they were setup in a different mode. I included those runs because I wanted the horizontal scales to be the same for both uslumis and background detectors for easy comparison. For the same reason, one has to ignore the averaged values in the boxes for pmtltg and pmtonl for the Wien left state.

There are several points about these plots:

A copy of this log entry has been emailed to: crowder,opper,carlini,armd,mack,paschke,dalton,rajotte,smithg,benesch, pitt,wsduvall

Figure 1: (IN+OUT)/2 during this Wien state

Figure 2: Uslumi asymmetries and widths during Jan. Feb. 2012

Figure 3: Background detector asymmetries and widths during Jan. - Feb. 2012

Figure 4: Recent (today) upstream lumi 100k file

Figure 5: Upstream lumi 100k file from "good" M56 period