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User name gaskell

Log entry time 14:30:39 on April 1,2012

Entry number 262102

keyword=Compton: strange change in laser mode matching

After some time without beam today, noticed a sudden change in power in the cavity and difficulty locking (see first figure).

I came in to see if I could tune up the cavity. I played with the alignment for a while and didn't really get anywhere. Then shortly after beam came back, while I was putting in the electron detector, the coupling suddenly improved (see period around -10 minutes in the 2nd screen grab).

This is really strange behavior. I should note the stored power is still degrading - we are down to about 1100-1200 Watts. Still ok, but well below what we started Run 2 with. Perhaps during beam studies Tuesday, it would be worth trying to improve the mode matching by moving the last lens a little.

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