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User name gaskell/beaufait

Log entry time 16:17:13 on April 03, 2012

Entry number 262477

keyword=Moller: solenoid power supply replaced

Checked out the Moller solenoid power supply when the hall went into Restricted Access this morning. Found that, as suspected, one of the fans was not working.

Since we did not have a spare fan, and the inside of the power supply was potentially contaminated, we decided it would be most time efficient to replace the supply.

Luckily, Hall A just got their Moller power supply back from Oxford not too long ago and were willing to let us borrow it. Joe swapped the supplies, and I set the configuration parameters appropriately for our magnet.

Ramped the solenoid to 3.5 T and back to zero - no problems. Remote control is even working with no trouble.

Moller is ready for action.

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