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User name jdowd

Log entry time 00:21:05 on April 06, 2012

Entry number 262807

This entry is a followup to: 262778

keyword=Completed several horizontal strip scans with the scanner in run 17408

The purpose of this run is to investigate a 'bump' seen in previous vertical central strip scans. See <a href="">eLog</a>

The scanner did 3 horizontal scans across the entire bar at 5 different vertical positions. Y-positions measured from highest(innermost) limit of the scanner's range of motion.

Y Pos, Event range
-17cm, 0 - 560k
-16cm, 665k - 900k (motor shut off)
-16cm, 1200k - 1550k
-18cm, 1640k - 2150k
-15cm, 2190k - 2500k
-19cm, 2605k - 2930k

The motion controls shut off during the second scan and had to be power cycled and re-homed.

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