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User name brads

Log entry time 14:31:57 on April 11, 2012

Entry number 263919

keyword=Max beam current will be 150 uA for Wednesday (we can revisit later)

Due to (very) recent schedule changes it looks like we are going to stay at 1-pass until the next energy change (on Thursday, April 19).

There is a desire on the part of OPs to conserve QE on the cathode and push the spot change off Monday to later in the week.

For tonight at least, we will cap ourselves at 150uA maximum.  We can renegotiate later if needed.


I do not expect this to be an issue for today/tomorrow any way.  We need to  be careful getting up to full current and monitor the temp strip charts indicated in hclog 263648 <-- do NOT exceed the baseline temps from earlier 1.16 GeV Qweak production.

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