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User name cdaq

Log entry time 00:55:26 on May 3, 2012

Entry number 267556

keyword=Run 18414: Junk run while beam is being tuned and sent down the beam line

Experiment qweak

Run #18414 - /net/cdaq/scratch2/qweak/rawdata/inj_parity_18414.dat.0

HV used HV.2012-04-22-17:51:05.hvcHV.2012-04-22-17:51:05.hvc
PS1 0 0
PS2 16777215 16777215
PS3 16777215 16777215
PS4 16777215 16777215
PS5 65535 65535
PS6 65535 65535
PS7 65535 65535
PS8 65535 65535
Beam Energy (MeV) 1157.241157.24
Beam Current BCM1 (uA) 14.616914.6169
Beam Current BCM2 (uA) 14.540414.5404
Half Wave Plate ININ
Passive IHWP setting (0=IN,1=OUT) 11
Passive IHWP reading (13056=IN,8960=OUT) 89608960
Raster (width) X mm 44
Raster (height) Y mm 44
All pmts fine? ..
Number of sick pmts ..