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User name magee

Log entry time 19:37:23 on May 04, 2012

Entry number 267905

keyword=HDC leakage currents

So, the following is a summary of the leakage currents for the HDCs.

Exact time Minutes passed    2F (uA)  2C (uA)
15:09      0                 24.31    51.37
15:16      7                 23.75    50.28
18:03      165               22.85    48.30   
19:10      234               22.45    47.18   

I'm not sure what the desired current drop is, but the approximate uA drop/hour for 2F is about 34, and between 75-95 for 2C. This might be a useless metric - I'm just going out on a limb here.

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