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User name cornejo

Log entry time 14:23:53 on June 06, 2012

Entry number 271372

keyword=Compton: Compton Fake MPS now working

After a bit of struggling and poking my nose through the happex board, I figured out that there was an offset of ~17.5us before the timing board accepted a trigger.

The logic to get it to work is a bit ugly but it works:

Split a TTL signal from a function generator at 960 Hz with a pulse width of about ~100 us (the smallest it can produce at this frequency). One copy goes to a gate generator that will produce a pulse of ~20 us. The other copy gets inverted by a flip-flop.

Take the output of the gate generator and the inverted function generator signal and combine them with a linear fan out. The result is a very weird looking pulse, but it has all the right properties we need.

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