Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for July 12 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX




  • 272263 07/30/12 13:18 narayan Compton: un-installing Compton DAQ
  • Sunday

  • 272234 07/29/12 19:11 narayan Compton: ph-Det HV turned on after 5 min. into run for linearity test
  • Saturday



  • 272162 07/25/12 16:29 Ramesh bcm electronics moved from counting house to Cebaf Center room C107
  • Tuesday

  • 272110 07/24/12 15:50 buddhini I mean moving DAQ stuff from cage to EEL : D
  • 272109 07/24/12 15:23 buddhini/rak Moving DAQ stui\ff from cahe to EEL.
  • Monday





  • 272052 07/17/12 12:44 buddhini Switched to acclerator MPS and external clock
  • Monday

  • 272047 07/16/12 19:01 buddhini run 19369 forgot to undo the changes done to effective mps from run 19368
  • 272042 07/16/12 17:13 buddhini Changed roc1, roc2 and TS VQWK ADC configuration to use internal clocks.
  • 272040 07/16/12 17:07 buddhini Unplugged the 20 MHz clock from rack 6 NIM input.
  • Sunday

  • 272028 07/15/12 15:08 cornejo Compton: Variable LED had power unplugged. Not it works
  • 272025 07/15/12 14:40 cornejo Compton: Removed Delta filter NE505A
  • Friday

  • 272021 07/13/12 14:59 pking ...but the INJ DAQ always uses the accelerator MPS
  • 272015 07/13/12 14:40 buddhini Changed FAKE MPS period to 972 us for QRT pickup studies.
  • 272014 07/13/12 14:38 buddhini The parity DAQ was using FAKE mps since June 14th.
  • Thursday







  • 271909 07/09/12 16:02 rob VESDA alarm is beeping
  • Friday

  • 271897 07/06/12 11:50 brads CH Electronics room getting hot -- Facilities Managment has been contacted
  • Tuesday

