Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for August 12 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 272329 08/27/12 17:56 beaufait flood safety
  • 272328 08/27/12 17:56 beaufait flood safety
  • Wednesday

  • 272327 08/15/12 19:03 brads Patched hallc-plc1 down to switch in Hall
  • Thursday

  • 272326 08/09/12 10:58 brads cdaq cluster back online <knock on wood>; reminders about network changes in Hall
  • 272325 08/09/12 09:24 cornejo Compton: Temporarily disabled compton backups onccomptl1
  • Wednesday

  • 272324 08/08/12 16:43 gaskell Turned off everything in Qweak cage
  • 272322 08/08/12 10:00 brads Reminder: cdaq cluster and Hall C networks going down at 1:30pm today