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Log entry time 15:26:44 on April 04, 2013

Entry number 272333

keyword=Pivot to wall distance at 45.3 degree beam left

At the request of Howard, I measured the distance from the center of the target pivot to the wall at 45.3 degrees on the SHMS side of the hall. Tools used were a laser range finder, a metal yard stick, a sledge hammer, eyeballs and a shaky hand.

The attached picture shows my right foot pointing at a short blue line that I believe to be the 45 degree mark on the floor. A sledge hammer was placed upright between this mark and the longer mark to the right at a location corresponding to ~45.3 degrees. Then I moved to wall and found the point on the wall that lined up visually with the sledge hammer and the center of the blue target post. Using the laser range finder, a distance of 71 foot 0.5 inch was measured to the target post. Moving the point on the wall to larger or smaller angle by 1 foot changed the distance to the post by about +/- 3 inches. To get the distance to the center of the post, the post radius must be added in. The diameter of the post, at about chest height from the floor was measured to be 18 inches with a yard stick, so the radius is 9 inches. I estimate I could be wrong by up to 2 inches in the diameter, and it is not clear that the post diameter is the same at the height I shined the laser on it as it is at the height I measured it, so I assign an error of 1 inch to the radius measurement.

Note, there is a 480V box/outlet on the wall about 5 feet off the floor. This could be an interference.

Combining these, I estimate the wall to target center distance at 45.3 degrees to be 71 feet, 9.5 inches +/- 4 inches, or 861.5 inches, or 21.88 meters.

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45 degree mark on floor