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    User name abbottd

    Log entry time 14:45:51 on October 31,1997

    Entry number 476

    keyword=HMS Drift Chambers

    Current status of HMS Drift chambers. All cables have been checked. The ringing
    is gone. There are several dead wires. This could be due to bad discriminator cards.
    At this time we don't propose to swap anything out as this s as good as the chambers
    have looked in their life.
    DC2 wire U30 is probably bad because of a poorly plugged in cable (from wires to
    Disc. card) but the shield should be taken off and the chamber switched off before
    trying to adjust it.
    On DC1 y43 and y'40 wuld be nice to fix if possible but they do not
    overlap in space (contrary to their numbering)

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2