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    User name mack

    Log entry time 17:26:28 on November 17,1997

    Entry number 1957


    keyword=bcmi/bcm3 systematics

    Figure 1 is the ratio of bcm3 to bcm1 versus current. Figure 2 is the ratio of bcm3 to bcm1 versus run number. (Plots with bcm2 replacing bcm1 look similar.) As a function of time bcm3 shifts relative to our monitors +-.75%. I want to check and see if these are due to Woodward's "bcm confidence tests" reported in the mcc elog.

    The machine has been crap today and we are running out of time for the (e,e'pi-) runs. Tomorrow at 7am or so begins maintenance. I am therefore reluctant to devote the better part of an hour to a new bcm calibration. A butt-covering stopgap measure will be discussed in my next hclog entry.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2