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    User name mack

    Log entry time 16:44:15 on November 20,1997

    Entry number 2106

    This entry is a followup to: 2024

    keyword=Hall C downtime activities: the score

    1. HV alarms. Klein. COMPLETE (hclog 2046)

    2. TS vmec5. no one assigned. no work done.

    3. check q2/q3 quench thresholds: Lassiter et al. UNKNOWN

    4. Target gas samples: Hood, Gustafsson COMPLETE (no hclog entry?)

    5. Remote quench resets: Lassiter et al. COMPLETE (hclog 2036)

    6. TS hms dipole trips on rotation: Lassiter et al. UNKNOWN

    7. more display xterms. no one assigned. no work done.

    8. missing calorimeter channels: Hamlet. COMPLETE (hclog ??)

    9. SR installation: cast of thousands. INCOMPLETE

    10. TS pblm's. Klein. need to move or magnetically shield pblm1 near 3c18. (hclog 2090) ONGOING

    11. missing hms s2x3-: Vansyoc. COMPLETE (hclog 2034)

    12. check helium lines: Mack. It was definitely connected to the dump at the start of maintenance day. I meant to check it after the SR installation but since that didn't get installed ... COMPLETE (no entry)

    13. systematics of sieve runs: Volmer, Koltenuk, Chant, Ioana N., Gabriel N., Ketevi, Mack, etc. SOS COMPLETE. HMS ONGOING. (many hclog references. search on "sos" about this time)

    14. logbook printing: no one assigned. UNKNOWN (no big deal)

    15. TS hms wc ringing. Vulcan. ONGOING (no hclog)

    Additional work that got done: First there was a RadCon cleanup from the sos hut grinding the other day. Apparently excessive dust was left near the pivot and after running for a week it became nasty dust. Otherwise Hall was in good shape (you can't certify angles over a large range if the hall is a pig-pen). We nevertheless got white gloved by Bert. Tossed out miscellaneous wooden articles (Mack), painted the thermal neutron shields (Vansyoc), secured various gas bottles (Vulcan, Fowler), and took out the trash (Hood). All work made more difficult with two techs out sick. Also some work on the beampipe downstream of the Moeller.