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    User name Baker

    Log entry time 23:59:09 on November 24,1997

    Entry number 2380

    keyword=Shift log; Monday Swing

    16:10 MCC calls. They have a hub failure. It will be probably about 2hr before
    they will recover.

    16:35 There is no beam. Started a BCM calibration run.

    16:43 MCC called to say that they recovered faster than expected. They will deliver pulsed beam shortly. So we ended Run 17265.

    16:47 MCC called again to inform us that the quick fix was not so quick after all. They had another HUB crash and have called in the experts to check it out. The experts believe that it will be a couple of hours before they can get beam back to us.
    Will start another BCM calibration run.

    18:55 Still no beam. Decided that we had probably taken enough 'nothing' data (i.e. BCM calibration) so we ended Run 17266. MCC estimates another hour or more of no beam.

    21:00 Beam just coming back. They are ramping up to 90 microamps and tuning. Start a run just to see that everything works.

    21:27 Dave Mack wants a BCM calibration while Hall A is down (since they have priority while they are up). Followed his prescription in entry 2363 for killing two birds with one stone; 100-0-50-0-25-0-25-0-50-0-100 with two minutes at each setting. Nominal raster (1 mm) with LD2 target. Prescales are the same as at 90 microamps. Runcontrol in coin mode.

    22:00 There was a Runcontrol crash at the end of the BCM calibration run, just as we were beginnning the production running again. Had to reset Runcontrol and reboot all of the ROCs and TS. This took about 1/4 hour.

    22:16 Began Run 17271. Run 17270 is the BCM calibration run.

    22:20 There was problems with Runcontrol. ROC 2 was reading out. Apparently, there was no gates signal getting to the TS. After several reboots, the problem (no gates to the TS) persisted. Called Steve Wood. He suggested that we power cycle the TS and the power supplies inside the HMS Hut. This seems to have fixed the problem.

    23:30 While inside the HMS hut noticed that the Q3 UPS alarm was sounding. The upstairs people said that there was no apparent problem with the Q3 magnet, so I left everything alone. One of the magnet experts should check this out. Cleared the VESDA SOS warning light by reseting while in the Hall.

    23:40 MCC is checking into a problem in Hall A. Cannot give us beam for another 15-20 minutes while they fix this problem.