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    User name cdaq

    Log entry time 10:10:13 on November 25, 1997

    Entry number 2400

    keyword=Benesch Report: apologies to Tom
    From:	CEBAF::IN%"tomoren@CEBAF.GOV"  "Tom Oren" 25-NOV-1997 09:26:19.93
    To:	IN%"machine-ops@CEBAF.GOV"
    Subj:	8am mtg 11/25/97
    Received: from tomoren.cebaf.gov (tomoren.cebaf.gov)
     by CEBAF.GOV (PMDF V5.0-5 #9103) id <01IQF6YTOEXS8ZEGLI@CEBAF.GOV> for
     machine-ops@CEBAF.GOV; Tue, 25 Nov 1997 09:21:14 -0500 (EST)
    Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 09:22:02 -0500
    From: Tom Oren 
    Subject: 8am mtg 11/25/97
    To: machine-ops@CEBAF.GOV
    Errors-to: machine-ops-error@CEBAF.GOV
    Warnings-to: machine-ops-error@CEBAF.GOV
    MIME-version: 1.0
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    Hall    Up     Data
    A       8.0    8.1   (of 23 scheduled)
    C       8.6    7.7   (of 23 scheduled)
    The machine has taken a vacation early. Not much beam, lots of pain from a
    variety of problems.
    Monday day shift started with recovery from the power loss in building E5
    in progress. Arc 4 could not be cycled because of the phase imbalance
    detector. After AES fixed the problem, beam was back in Hall C with a
    minimum of adjustment. Hall A was down because of spectrometer magnet
    problems. During the Hall A magnet repairs, a safety system key was broken,
    requiring a complete replacement of the entry key box. The key box was
    replaced and recertified by the Safety System Group with no effect on
    accelerator availability (i.e., they took advantage of the Hall A access).
    At shift's end, beam delivery to both halls had resumed.
    Swing shift began with CW beam delivery in progress to both halls. At 1610
    the computer network hub crashed. Recovery from the crash took only 25
    minutes, but was immediately followed by another crash. Due to on-going hub
    crash problems, hardware intended to fix the problem was already on hand.
    The decision was made to go ahead and install the hardware immediately
    instead of waiting for Wednesday as previously planned. At 2100 beam was
    restored to Hall C without the locks, and Hall A was in access. The lock
    server was down at the end of the shift. At shift turnover, recovery from a
    Lambertson trip (water flow) was in progress.
    Owl shift started with CW beam delivery to Hall C and Hall A in access.
    After Hall A had completed their access, there was a problem clearing their
    FSD node and a hall access had to be made to cycle power on the IOC crate.
    With the FSD system functional, beam delivery to both halls resumed, but
    Hall A discovered an apparent raster problem. The hardware folks said that
    everything was okay, but it appeared that the Y-axis current is twice what
    it was yesterday. The software settings were changed to reduce the raster
    size, and beam delivery to Hall A was resumed. During this entire time,
    major problems with running the locks were encountered. The lock server/GUI
    kept crashing and the locks were just generally trashing the orbit. The
    problems could not be resolved and the machine was stable, so resolution of
    the problem was put off until addtional help arrived during the day shift.
    At the end of the shift, Hall A was receiving 100 uA CW beam and Hall C was
    in access.
    There will not be a 1:30 scheduling meeting tomorrow.
    Plans for tomorrow's shutdown of the machine will be discussed in detail at
    the 8 a.m. meeting. Current plans call for warm up of the Hall A and Hall C
    cryotargets on day shift. Cryo recommends that the warm ups be separated by
    at least an hour (Hall A first, Hall C second).