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    User name mack

    Log entry time 16:42:39 on December 9,1997

    Entry number 2667

    keyword=Cursory Hall C Walk-Thru

    I did only a cursory walk-thru since I assumed that the damage our people could do would be proportional to the time the hall was open, and we had been open only 4 hours.

    1. SOS power supplies: Quad in Local mode, Bm02 in local mode, "Moeller" (ie, BM01) off at main contactor. Put two up supplies in Remote and called Beaufait to turn on the BM01 supply. Supply interface is smart in the sense that it defaults to "Local" when you push any button, but it is not smart enough to switch to "Remote" when you walk away.

    2. See raster disaster hclog entry for misc. FR/SR activities.

    3. Moeller turbo appeared to be on. That's something we should add to our full Hall lockup checklist.