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    User name cdaq

    Log entry time 09:11:05 on December 16, 1997

    Entry number 2987

    keyword=Late entry: note from Ken Law on energy msrment
    From:	CEBAF::LAW          14-DEC-1997 09:48:09.39
    Subj:	RE: Energy measurement in cw
    Yes, I am aware that I probably had about 5uAmps CW, however, I cleaned the
    orbit in low current (~200nAmps using the SEE's and adjusting the Hall C
    string to zero the orbit at IPM3C16).  Once the arc orbit was okay (no
    scrapping) I then fixed the orbit to the target using the correctors
    3C18 and 3C20 to clean the orbit to IPM3H00B.  Once this was done, I
    slowly increased the current and noted the orbit was clean to the dump
    (no scraping).  I could have increased the current more but there was
    no need to.  The energy measurement was made at ~200nAmps and I compared
    this result with 3uAmps and the results were the same, so, this entire
    procedure could be performed accuratly with very low current.  But,
    the point is, the set up was great so we did not run the risk of
    burn through.
    Ken :)