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    User name Potterveld

    Log entry time 12:31:58 on February 3,1998

    Entry number 3120

    keyword=SOS hall probes

    I checked the SOS hall probe zeros. The probes for BM01 and QUAD had a zero
    parameter of 0.0 (consistent with being reset), while BM02 has a zero parameter
    of 1.8 gauss. As a prophylactic measure, I performed a hardware reset, turned on
    digital filtering mode for all three, and re-zeroed the probes. The zero parameters
    are now:

    BM01 zero = 0.9G (range 3 = 3.0 T)
    BM02 zero = -1.9G (range 3)
    QUAD zero = 163.3G (autorange at zero field)

    The magnets in all likelyhood are not properly degaussed, so the zero's will have to
    be rechecked once we can degauss the magnets.

    For comparison, the zero values on 2-Jan-1997 were:

    BM01 = 2.6G, BM02 = 2.7G, QUAD = 169.7G