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    User name ddutta

    Log entry time 07:59:44 on February 13,1998

    Entry number 3337

    keyword=Shift report

    We had beam since 4:30 am, we used this beam to do the beam position and mid-plane symmetry tests according to Rolf's runplan. We also checked the timing
    of each spectrometer. The timing was good in both spectrometers however, we found a couple of defective cables and replaced them. A high statistics run was also taken
    for detector calibration.
    The previous shift had reported some problem with the muon counters (namely the
    7th channel of the ADC did not seem to show any signal). The problem was finally
    traced to a wrong ordering in the threshold file, this was fixed but online replay needs to be fixed so that it writes the muon counter thresholds in proper order. Some of the earlier runs had large dead times, this problem solved itself when the runcontrol was restarted.
    Only problems which remain to be fixed are the misbehaving HV epics screens , the
    BPM channel 3800A and SOS channel S2X3+.