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    User name dmckee

    Log entry time 04:32:25 on February 14,1998

    Entry number 3400

    keyword=hms sos plateau WC

    I've made a pretty basic evaluation of the WC threshold plateau. Attached are a couple of plots based on the "Drift chamber plateaus" runs (numbered 17909 through 17928 with a few gaps).

    The "psudo-efficencies" which are plotted on the y-axis are calculated from the display/[h,s]nhits macro.They are calculated by:

    (5/6 * (occupancy of the 5 bin in [h,s]dc histogram) + (occupancy of the 6 bin)) / (total number of events in the [hms,sos] from scalers/stats[run #].txt).

    This quantity is not the efficiency, but is related to it. Further,maximising this quantity should reduce the number of extreaneous WC hits without seriously reducing the efficiency for real tracks.

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2