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    User name Potterveld

    Log entry time 16:41:26 on February 17,1998

    Entry number 3702

    This entry is a followup to: 3261

    keyword=BM01 and BM02 hall probe reference data

    These are the reference data from April 1995 for the BM01 and BM02 hall probes.

    These data were taken after the cables were cut and connectors attached for
    the vacuum feedthroughs, ie, after all installation was complete. Absolute calibration
    for BM01 comes from the comparison with NMR, and absolute calibration for BM02
    comes via comparison with earlier data (one dataset measured just before the
    feedthrough installation, and earlier data in which the probe for BM02 was
    temporarily placed in BM01 and compared with NMR.)

    Column headings are:

    I1SET: Current setpoint for BM01
    I1READ: Current readback for BM01
    I2SET: Current setpoint for BM02
    I2READ: Current readback for BM02
    B1(0.3): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM01 on 0.3 Tesla range
    B1(0.6): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM01 on 0.6 Tesla range
    B1(1.2): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM01 on 1.2 Tesla range
    B1(3.0): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM01 on 3.0 Tesla range
    NMR: NMR reading in Gauss for BM01
    B2(0.3): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM02 on 0.3 Tesla range
    B2(0.6): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM02 on 0.6 Tesla range
    B2(1.2): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM02 on 1.2 Tesla range
    B2(3.0): Hall probe reading in Gauss for BM02 on 3.0 Tesla range
    B3: Hall probe for QUAD, temporarily installed in BM02
    T1: temperature of BM01 probe
    T2: temperature of BM02 probe

    Note: The range used for BM01 and BM02 under normal conditions is always
    the 3.0T range.

    Also note: during installation, the probe for the QUAD was stressed, such that it
    acquired a ~170 gauss zero offset. It has been separately calibrated.

    - David Potterveld

    FIGURE 1