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    User name H. Anklin

    Log entry time 11:08:58 on March 9,1998

    Entry number 4145


    keyword=BCM Calibration analysis (run: 18316)

    BCM calibration analysis of Run 18316 leads to the following offsets and gains:

    run: 18316:
    Current(microA) BCM1(rate) BCM2(rate) BCM3(rate) Weight
    .0 250270.5 250251.6 252042.8 260.0
    11.7 291072.8 372622.7 292510.9 36.0
    28.0 349273.1 547139.4 357184.2 32.0
    43.2 402241.5 706204.5 415129.1 33.0
    11.3 291019.1 372535.5 292486.6 33.0
    28.3 349307.1 547320.6 357242.1 31.0
    43.1 402120.7 705935.7 415130.3 23.0

    gain factors for three cavity monitors
    gbcm1_gain = .00028491 ; microA/Hz
    gbcm2_gain = .00009495 ; microA/Hz
    gbcm3_gain = .00025812 ; microA/Hz
    gunser_gain = .00025000 ; microA/Hz

    zero offsets for BCM s
    gbcm1_offset = 250635. ; Hz
    gbcm2_offset = 251284. ; Hz
    gbcm3_offset = 248022. ; Hz
    gunser_offset = 276954. ; Hz

    Figure 1: shows the raw rates.
    Figure 2: shows the determined UNSER

    FIGURE 1

    FIGURE 2