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    User name gaskell

    Log entry time 07:48:18 on March 15,1998

    Entry number 4372

    This entry is a followup to: 4366

    keyword=HMS HV:The saga coninues

    Paul and I entered the hall at 4 am to replace the second CAEN crate of the night (Crate 2). We replaced the crate - everything thing seemed fine until we noticed that none of the channels on the last card would hold voltage. Paul noticed a bad cable on that card and we theorized that it killed the card. DD brought us a new card and we swapped them without hooking up the bad cable. Everything worked fine. Then DD noticed that two channels on other cards weren't pulling current. We looked and found two more bad cables. We then scrounged 3 HV cables in the hall and replaced all three bad cables. All channels were functioning after cable replacement.

    Replaced two crates and two cards and three cables.
    We can't talk to one crate, but it seems to work. If the voltages trip off, we should notice because we won't get any triggers.
    We need a crate that we can swap in for the "dumb" one soon. Hopefully we can hold out until Joe Beaufait fixes one.
    HV cables should be checked at next opportunity - busted ones fixed. They should only need new connectors.

    Watch the HMS hodoscopes like a hawk until we can communicate with Crate 1 again.