Jefferson Lab HALL C Logbook for September 98 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 9480 09/30/98 17:59 Zhuhg What target field do to electrons
  • 9479 09/30/98 17:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9478 09/30/98 16:42 gkubon thresholds adjusted
  • 9476 09/30/98 15:59 rohe day shift summary
  • 9475 09/30/98 15:15 Zhuhg target field effect on d(e,e'N) rate preview
  • 9471 09/30/98 14:32 gwarren Summary of Moller Measurements from Sept 26
  • 9466 09/30/98 11:40 rohe junk runs
  • 9462 09/30/98 10:42 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9459 09/30/98 08:10 zihlmann bpm in hall c and arc
  • 9458 09/30/98 07:15 brown ROC problems
  • 9456 09/30/98 06:30 brown Main UPS failure
  • 9449 09/30/98 01:35 adrian charge replay ok!
  • 9446 09/30/98 00:18 adrian Shift Summary
  • 9445 09/30/98 00:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9444 09/30/98 00:01 gwarren Time offsets still working after 80 runs
  • Tuesday

  • 9440 09/29/98 21:55 cdaq Run : 100 nA , bottom ND3, +31.64%
  • 9439 09/29/98 21:43 zeier new peds directory
  • 9434 09/29/98 18:56 adrian Helicity reversed for run 22500
  • 9432 09/29/98 18:18 zeier daq: updated idiots guide
  • 9431 09/29/98 18:16 zeier daq: back to old rcServer
  • 9429 09/29/98 17:46 Mack left Mott base repaired
  • 9428 09/29/98 14:10 chen Restore reversal Sync mode
  • 9427 09/29/98 11:33 beaufait raster trigger
  • 9426 09/29/98 10:21 gwarren source cross-talk
  • 9425 09/29/98 10:05 chen SR sync mode problem
  • 9424 09/29/98 09:30 Mack cross-talk misc.
  • 9423 09/29/98 08:44 gwarren Source configuration changed yesterday
  • 9422 09/29/98 08:41 gwarren Launch angle is 50 degrees
  • 9421 09/29/98 08:07 zihlmann owl Shift %&!?*#
  • 9420 09/29/98 07:56 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9405 09/29/98 01:04 zihlmann Raster-Helizity Syncronization not available
  • 9404 09/29/98 00:56 gwarren No current leakage from Hall A
  • 9403 09/29/98 00:52 gwarren Updated Time Offsets
  • 9401 09/29/98 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9400 09/29/98 00:00 zeier swing shift summary
  • Monday

  • 9391 09/28/98 16:23 rohe junk runs
  • 9390 09/28/98 16:23 rohe day shift summary
  • 9389 09/28/98 16:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9388 09/28/98 16:01 Fwler Dipole NMR
  • 9385 09/28/98 14:06 Donal target, anneal
  • 9384 09/28/98 13:02 gwarren Target anneal and Hall A
  • 9381 09/28/98 11:54 csa New HMS driftmap
  • 9378 09/28/98 10:49 Lassiter dipole overfill problem
  • 9373 09/28/98 08:48 Lassiter Dipole reboot
  • 9369 09/28/98 07:56 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9370 09/28/98 07:56 cmh7k owl shift summary
  • Sunday

  • 9355 09/27/98 23:59 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9354 09/27/98 23:54 gkubon shift summary swing 09-27
  • 9352 09/27/98 23:17 gkubon Ethane
  • 9347 09/27/98 20:03 gkubon *****Ethane*****
  • 9345 09/27/98 19:38 gkubon Treshold adjusted run22446
  • 9342 09/27/98 18:01 gwarren HMS Prescale factor =2
  • 9337 09/27/98 16:06 Sawafta shift summary
  • 9336 09/27/98 15:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9333 09/27/98 15:09 Sawafta Pedestal file
  • 9330 09/27/98 14:28 sawafta Update
  • 9326 09/27/98 09:34 gwarren Adjusted Ndet thresholds
  • 9325 09/27/98 07:50 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9323 09/27/98 07:44 khandaker owl shift summary
  • 9317 09/27/98 05:42 gwarren Veto Efficiencies for Q2=1.0
  • 9310 09/27/98 03:13 gwarren Vertical Position of Target
  • 9308 09/27/98 02:55 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9306 09/27/98 02:37 kaufmann target encoder position
  • 9304 09/27/98 02:12 kaufmann nominal position
  • 9297 09/27/98 00:42 gkubon results spin dance
  • 9295 09/27/98 00:36 gkubon shift summary swing shift 9/26/98
  • Saturday

  • 9260 09/26/98 16:16 Sawafta Beam position on EM
  • 9261 09/26/98 16:16 sawafta Shift Summary
  • 9259 09/26/98 16:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9258 09/26/98 14:46 adrian dipole in current mode
  • 9256 09/26/98 11:10 gwarren Run Plan
  • 9255 09/26/98 10:36 sawafta trigger
  • 9254 09/26/98 09:15 khandaker owl shift summary
  • 9252 09/26/98 08:33 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9250 09/26/98 08:21 sawafta update
  • 9246 09/26/98 04:00 gwarren Look at Rates
  • 9245 09/26/98 00:15 adrian Shift Summary
  • Friday

  • 9244 09/25/98 22:27 adrian Run plan 4 next 2 shifts!
  • 9242 09/25/98 19:40 zeier DAQ: New features-
  • 9240 09/25/98 16:00 vulcan Fish smell
  • 9239 09/25/98 14:43 gwarren clarification
  • 9237 09/25/98 14:36 gwarren Tentative Sweep Scheduled for 21:00 today
  • 9236 09/25/98 12:46 Mack Mott measurements show no drift
  • 9235 09/25/98 09:32 Mack Mott in elog 52584
  • 9234 09/25/98 08:54 gwarren Schedule Update
  • Thursday

  • 9233 09/24/98 16:48 hickson ethane scales
  • Tuesday

  • 9232 09/22/98 18:03 rohe shift check list
  • 9231 09/22/98 14:54 kaufmann template update
  • Monday

  • 9230 09/21/98 23:56 gwarren Shifts Cancelled
  • 9229 09/21/98 16:39 Anklin Comparison with GEANT
  • 9228 09/21/98 16:16 Anklin hms acceptance for NH3 and Q**2=1.0
  • 9227 09/21/98 13:45 mack HMS magnets off
  • 9226 09/21/98 13:36 Mack Karel the Conqueror repairs Viewers
  • 9225 09/21/98 12:32 csa one more grabscreen test
  • 9224 09/21/98 11:44 csa grabscreen test
  • 9223 09/21/98 11:12 csa pretty pics, cont'd
  • 9222 09/21/98 11:07 csa pretty pics for 9208, 9221
  • 9221 09/21/98 10:57 csa grabscreen test
  • 9220 09/21/98 10:34 mack Annual hodoscope base checkout
  • 9219 09/21/98 09:20 csa Rough walk correction in online code
  • 9218 09/21/98 09:05 mack Backed up HMS HV settings
  • Sunday

  • 9217 09/20/98 17:56 Zhuhg (e,e'N) rates recalculation at Q2=500
  • 9216 09/20/98 15:57 cmh7k cause of target leak found
  • 9215 09/20/98 15:38 Zhuhg hclog 9209 - 9214 are for Q2=0.5 Gev
  • 9214 09/20/98 15:24 Zhuhg hclog 9209 continues
  • 9213 09/20/98 15:22 Zhuhg hclog 9209 continues
  • 9212 09/20/98 15:20 Zhuhg hclog 9207 continues
  • 9211 09/20/98 15:19 Zhuhg hclog 9207 continues
  • 9210 09/20/98 15:14 Zhuhg hclog 9209 continues
  • 9209 09/20/98 15:06 Zhuhg (e,e'p) rates in 1st bar layer
  • 9208 09/20/98 13:34 csa Neutron path/vel meantime corrections in code, new offsets
  • 9207 09/20/98 08:42 Cdaq Shift Summary
  • 9206 09/20/98 08:31 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9205 09/20/98 00:27 Cowley No shift
  • 9204 09/20/98 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Saturday

  • 9203 09/19/98 23:55 Hamlet Swing shift summary
  • 9201 09/19/98 21:20 Cdaq BPM position
  • 9200 09/19/98 21:18 Cdaq Calibration BPM
  • 9193 09/19/98 19:47 rohe veto efficiencies
  • 9191 09/19/98 16:59 zihlmann DO not leave Run Controle in the go_info tcl script state
  • 9190 09/19/98 16:56 zihlmann run control fail due to memory problems in ROC5
  • 9188 09/19/98 16:24 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9187 09/19/98 16:17 rohe shift summary
  • 9186 09/19/98 16:12 Cdaq shift check list 9/17-19
  • 9185 09/19/98 14:04 danagoulian superharp status
  • 9184 09/19/98 12:35 danagoulian superharp status
  • 9183 09/19/98 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9176 09/19/98 04:46 Cowley More on beam-line viewers
  • 9175 09/19/98 03:41 Cowley beam position diagnostics
  • 9174 09/19/98 03:01 Cowley problem with beam position diagnostics
  • Friday

  • 9173 09/18/98 23:52 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9172 09/18/98 23:52 Hamlet Swing shift summary
  • 9170 09/18/98 20:21 Cdaq Beam Line Survey
  • 9169 09/18/98 18:23 cmh7k survey, target position, etc.
  • 9168 09/18/98 15:33 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9167 09/18/98 15:22 Lung HMS Shower Calibration
  • 9164 09/18/98 15:08 Anklin Improvement in w distribution
  • 9163 09/18/98 14:39 Lassiter Carriage rotation
  • 9162 09/18/98 12:49 vulcan High voltage hsx2pos.
  • 9161 09/18/98 12:47 kaufmann swing shift summary
  • 9160 09/18/98 07:20 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9159 09/18/98 06:43 Zhuhg owl shift summary
  • 9147 09/18/98 00:42 Cdaq new delay timing
  • 9146 09/18/98 00:39 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 9142 09/17/98 22:18 kaufmann Ndet Single Rates
  • 9138 09/17/98 20:52 kaufmann HMS Single Rate
  • 9136 09/17/98 20:37 kaufmann NH3 Target for run 22314
  • 9131 09/17/98 16:27 Anklin events lost in SEM are related to beam position
  • 9130 09/17/98 16:19 Cdaq Shift Summary
  • 9129 09/17/98 16:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9128 09/17/98 15:13 beaufait high voltage h2x
  • Wednesday

  • 9106 09/16/98 23:03 Rondon HMS dipole off, magnet alarm on
  • 9105 09/16/98 18:10 Cdaq Neutron Tof and timing for q2=1
  • 9104 09/16/98 17:50 Lassiter HMS carriage rotation
  • 9103 09/16/98 17:04 saw Polarization
  • 9102 09/16/98 17:02 csa shift checklist
  • 9101 09/16/98 16:56 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9100 09/16/98 15:45 mitchell SEM survey for straight chicane
  • 9099 09/16/98 11:38 gwarren Owl Shift Summary
  • 9098 09/16/98 11:34 gwarren Ndet position for Q2=1.0
  • 9097 09/16/98 11:34 gwarren Fiducials Points for Ndet
  • 9096 09/16/98 09:04 Mack motts in elog 51776
  • 9095 09/16/98 08:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9093 09/16/98 06:36 gkubon mott measurement
  • 9090 09/16/98 04:12 gkubon ndet thresholds
  • 9086 09/16/98 00:45 gwarren Beam Position Good
  • 9084 09/16/98 00:14 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9083 09/16/98 00:04 kaufmann swing shift summary
  • Tuesday

  • 9079 09/15/98 21:33 Zhuhg d(e,e'p) PROTON RATES DUE TO TARGET FIELD
  • 9073 09/15/98 17:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9072 09/15/98 16:40 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9070 09/15/98 07:40 gwarren Owl Shift Summary
  • 9069 09/15/98 07:39 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9068 09/15/98 06:17 gwarren Lost microwave powersupply
  • 9062 09/15/98 00:44 gwarren Run 22267 has no SEM at beginning
  • 9059 09/15/98 00:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9060 09/15/98 00:10 mitchell shift summary
  • Monday

  • 9053 09/14/98 20:43 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9052 09/14/98 20:28 rohe shift summary
  • 9049 09/14/98 15:06 rohe crest running
  • 9048 09/14/98 14:41 rohe shower detector No 2 is dead
  • 9047 09/14/98 14:34 rohe weekend summary
  • 9041 09/14/98 10:36 csa HMS TOF cal redone
  • 9040 09/14/98 09:55 gwarren Owl Shift Summary
  • 9039 09/14/98 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9038 09/14/98 05:18 gkubon check forargon bottle
  • 9037 09/14/98 05:08 gkubon shift check list
  • 9033 09/14/98 00:19 gwarren Checked Ndet Thresholds
  • Sunday

  • 9032 09/13/98 23:25 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9031 09/13/98 23:24 roos shift summary/swing/Sep.13
  • 9030 09/13/98 23:04 roos Another CHL crash
  • 9028 09/13/98 22:19 roos shift summary confusion
  • 9027 09/13/98 22:09 roos Beam back! Few DAQ problems.
  • 9024 09/13/98 17:51 Rondon Safety hazard in Counting House upstairs
  • 9023 09/13/98 16:03 roos Shift summary
  • 9022 09/13/98 15:59 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9021 09/13/98 11:27 saw Cebaf Center Power Failure
  • Saturday

  • 9012 09/12/98 16:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 9011 09/12/98 16:05 Abdellah day shift summary
  • 9004 09/12/98 13:03 Abdellah DAQ problems
  • 8993 09/12/98 06:10 rohe beam spot adjustment during run 22218
  • 8990 09/12/98 05:16 honegger moller results
  • 8981 09/12/98 00:14 zeier swing shift summary
  • Friday

  • 8980 09/11/98 23:59 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8976 09/11/98 21:38 roos gen98.kinematics edited
  • 8969 09/11/98 17:58 mitchell run at 150 nA BCM2
  • 8966 09/11/98 15:54 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8965 09/11/98 15:42 ent shift summary
  • 8963 09/11/98 14:24 Mack misc. docs to accompany Moeller measurement
  • 8958 09/11/98 11:16 ent runs 22187-22191 crap/daq
  • 8956 09/11/98 11:08 gwarren Proton leakage in neutron spectra.
  • 8950 09/11/98 09:31 gwarren Rebinned Neutron Distribution
  • 8948 09/11/98 08:22 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8947 09/11/98 08:18 honegger Shift Summary
  • 8941 09/11/98 03:50 zihlmann moller results
  • 8931 09/11/98 00:09 zeier shift summary swing shift
  • 8930 09/11/98 00:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 8918 09/10/98 18:49 zeier h1x12- fixed
  • 8915 09/10/98 17:38 roos HMS Q2,Q3 pc's rebooted
  • 8913 09/10/98 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8910 09/10/98 15:23 mack 150 nA coming right up
  • 8908 09/10/98 14:25 mack hodo channel missing
  • 8906 09/10/98 13:53 cdaq if printer doesn't print
  • 8903 09/10/98 12:58 mack Q2 and Q3 PC's frozen
  • 8900 09/10/98 11:27 mack misc screens
  • 8898 09/10/98 11:12 hickson gas systems
  • 8897 09/10/98 10:45 mack data disk changed from data2 to data3
  • 8894 09/10/98 09:54 mack QE measurement .016%
  • 8892 09/10/98 09:46 mack runs 22143-22144
  • 8889 09/10/98 08:17 rohe Shift Summary
  • 8881 09/10/98 01:09 zeier, kubon Shift Summary
  • 8878 09/10/98 00:21 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Wednesday

  • 8875 09/09/98 23:17 gkubon shift check list scan
  • 8874 09/09/98 23:16 gkubon ndet thresholds adjusted, shift ckecklist
  • 8869 09/09/98 20:47 gkubon charge replay
  • 8866 09/09/98 19:13 zeier HMS delay box exchanged
  • 8865 09/09/98 18:26 mitchell 120 nA on BCM2 untill further notice
  • 8864 09/09/98 18:24 mitchell Ratser out of sync
  • 8862 09/09/98 16:42 gwarren Proton Count Rate
  • 8861 09/09/98 16:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8860 09/09/98 16:05 csa,ral Day shift summary
  • 8859 09/09/98 15:58 gwarren Neutron Count Part II
  • 8858 09/09/98 15:46 gwarren Neutron Count Rate, Part I
  • 8854 09/09/98 14:37 csa Disk change
  • 8853 09/09/98 14:32 csa Run at 120 nA (according to BCM2)
  • 8852 09/09/98 14:19 csa No H1X11 pos TDC
  • 8847 09/09/98 12:07 csa Updates on 22113-22116
  • 8841 09/09/98 10:19 csa Correction to 22112 runinfo
  • 8839 09/09/98 09:30 yan SR sync with reversal
  • 8837 09/09/98 09:02 Mack SR synch: additional documentation
  • 8835 09/09/98 08:02 zihlmann owl shift report
  • 8834 09/09/98 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8830 09/09/98 06:53 zihlmann missing hodoscope channels
  • 8824 09/09/98 05:08 zihlmann moller results
  • Tuesday

  • 8817 09/08/98 23:37 Lung Sweep of Hall complete
  • 8816 09/08/98 22:27 Donal Day neutron HV
  • 8814 09/08/98 21:07 Lung HMS Magnet Display
  • 8813 09/08/98 21:02 Lung Shift Checklist done
  • 8811 09/08/98 17:48 csa Good HMS TOF cal, new kumac
  • 8810 09/08/98 16:43 beaufait holisity patch
  • 8809 09/08/98 16:23 beaufait beam line safety tag out
  • 8808 09/08/98 16:19 beaufait hms hodo tube base
  • 8807 09/08/98 15:45 zeier End-of-run box installed
  • 8805 09/08/98 15:25 Jechiel N-detector shielding
  • 8803 09/08/98 14:28 Mack Chen's progress on SR synch
  • 8802 09/08/98 13:10 Mack broken anode solder connections
  • 8801 09/08/98 12:57 Anklin HMS Dipole tripped
  • Monday

  • 8798 09/07/98 12:42 csa Analyzer screw-up was causing hpos problems
  • 8797 09/07/98 10:43 csa Fixed HS1Y3+
  • 8796 09/07/98 00:51 Honegger Shift Summary
  • 8795 09/07/98 00:27 khandaker Downstream BLM's working
  • 8794 09/07/98 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 8779 09/06/98 16:11 Cdaq Argon bottle change
  • 8778 09/06/98 16:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8776 09/06/98 15:34 rohe DAQ rate 0
  • 8770 09/06/98 14:13 Mack Mott "measurements" in elog
  • 8771 09/06/98 14:13 rohe HV of neutron detector tripped of
  • 8767 09/06/98 13:11 rohe junk 22059-22062
  • 8759 09/06/98 09:15 rohe DAQ Problem(run22053)
  • 8756 09/06/98 08:02 gwarren Owl Shift Summary
  • 8755 09/06/98 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8752 09/06/98 07:15 gkubon shift check list
  • 8751 09/06/98 07:09 gwarren ndet HV set to values from 98/8/12.
  • 8739 09/06/98 00:32 gkubon CHL crash
  • 8738 09/06/98 00:13 honegger Shift Summary
  • Saturday

  • 8737 09/05/98 23:56 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8730 09/05/98 17:27 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8729 09/05/98 16:19 rohe shift summary
  • 8728 09/05/98 15:40 zihlmann QE measurement
  • 8725 09/05/98 15:11 zihlmann moller run
  • 8717 09/05/98 12:32 rohe h2x(No8) missing
  • 8715 09/05/98 12:11 rohe run22016-22018 junk
  • 8714 09/05/98 12:08 rohe hodoscope trippedi (run22015)
  • 8704 09/05/98 09:04 gwarren Owl Shift Summary
  • 8702 09/05/98 08:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8684 09/05/98 01:35 gwarren hms h1y3+ is dead
  • 8683 09/05/98 01:18 gwarren Changed to disk 3
  • 8682 09/05/98 01:17 gwarren HMS h1x12- HV tripped
  • 8678 09/05/98 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8677 09/05/98 00:10 honegger Shift Summary Swing
  • Friday

  • 8670 09/04/98 19:46 zihlmann timing happy again
  • 8669 09/04/98 19:39 zihlmann remove pariti check fixes tdc hodoscopes
  • 8668 09/04/98 19:22 zihlmann tdc problem more than one bit missing
  • 8667 09/04/98 19:12 honegger Extra peak in HMS TDC spectra
  • 8666 09/04/98 19:08 ent prlo threshold changed
  • 8663 09/04/98 17:46 zeier daq: changes in run types
  • 8662 09/04/98 17:18 zeier daq: changed to coda2.1
  • 8661 09/04/98 17:15 saw Extra peaks in HMS TDC spectra
  • 8659 09/04/98 16:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8660 09/04/98 16:15 Cvxwrks shift summary
  • 8658 09/04/98 15:57 saw DONT REBOOT cdaqs1
  • 8654 09/04/98 12:17 zeier DAQ: ER crash, ROC2 datascan problem
  • 8652 09/04/98 12:00 rohe HMS power off
  • 8649 09/04/98 10:42 rohe HMS-HV tripped off
  • 8648 09/04/98 10:28 Mack next anneal: need a TOF calibration run!
  • 8641 09/04/98 08:09 Cdaq beam current spike
  • 8640 09/04/98 08:04 gwarren Owl Shift Summary
  • 8639 09/04/98 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8634 09/04/98 06:25 gwarren No protons in ndet for HMS singles
  • 8624 09/04/98 03:19 gwarren Scan of Shift Check List
  • 8622 09/04/98 02:30 gwarren HMS hodo plane 2 tripped
  • 8621 09/04/98 02:26 gwarren Reestablished ndet thresholds
  • Thursday

  • 8610 09/03/98 23:58 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8609 09/03/98 23:43 mcfarlan ND-HMS delay at 8LM
  • 8607 09/03/98 23:30 mcfarlan ND-HMS delay at 8LM
  • 8595 09/03/98 17:59 gwarren Swapped LDU for B 1-8L.
  • 8593 09/03/98 17:32 mcfarlan Target density?
  • 8587 09/03/98 16:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8586 09/03/98 16:01 Zhao shift summary
  • 8584 09/03/98 14:12 zihlmann moller run result
  • 8580 09/03/98 13:09 gwarren Counter 3:8 (Bar 8) looks sick
  • 8579 09/03/98 12:54 gwarren Swapped delay box for B33-40L
  • 8578 09/03/98 12:51 gwarren Missing ndet scalers
  • 8567 09/03/98 08:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8566 09/03/98 07:51 khandaker owl shift summary
  • 8560 09/03/98 05:08 khandaker Missing NDET Scalers
  • 8554 09/03/98 02:46 khandaker BLM counter rates and HV
  • 8547 09/03/98 00:03 Adrian Honeg Swing Shift Summary
  • Wednesday

  • 8545 09/02/98 23:57 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8530 09/02/98 15:39 gwarren ndet catches 52 +- 3% of protons
  • 8528 09/02/98 15:30 mack note to SAW
  • 8525 09/02/98 14:35 mack anneal starting
  • 8524 09/02/98 14:03 mack pedestal shifts
  • 8520 09/02/98 13:01 mack synchronization problem?
  • 8518 09/02/98 12:42 mack sem is back
  • 8516 09/02/98 12:32 mack morning power glitches
  • 8512 09/02/98 11:37 Vulcan sem power
  • 8510 09/02/98 11:11 rohe sem bpm hosed?
  • 8507 09/02/98 10:44 mack hodoscope trip
  • 8506 09/02/98 10:36 Lichtenstadt Correction
  • 8505 09/02/98 10:19 mack dipole nmr lost lock
  • 8504 09/02/98 10:01 mack dipole cycling rate unacceptable
  • 8503 09/02/98 09:50 mack gas bottles
  • 8502 09/02/98 09:42 mack dipole trip
  • 8494 09/02/98 08:02 Lichtenstadt Shift summary
  • 8491 09/02/98 07:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8471 09/02/98 00:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Tuesday

  • 8470 09/01/98 23:59 Zhao shift summary
  • 8468 09/01/98 23:27 zhuhg asym_calc
  • 8465 09/01/98 22:50 zhuhg DAQ problem!
  • 8455 09/01/98 19:36 gwarren How many protons make it into the ndet
  • 8450 09/01/98 18:29 McFarlane ND ADC gate length 47 ns
  • 8447 09/01/98 16:19 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 8446 09/01/98 16:10 Csa test import grabscreen utility
  • 8445 09/01/98 16:08 Hamlet day shift summary
  • 8444 09/01/98 15:47 Volmer test xwpick on linux
  • 8442 09/01/98 15:45 Volmer test linux grabscreen
  • 8443 09/01/98 15:45 zeier slow raster optimized
  • 8441 09/01/98 15:43 Volmer test grabscreen
  • 8440 09/01/98 14:54 csa Reasonable HMS TOF
  • 8439 09/01/98 14:54 Vulcan high voltage
  • 8427 09/01/98 13:10 rohe Correction of HV in run 21792-21795
  • 8423 09/01/98 08:02 Cdaq Shift summary
  • 8420 09/01/98 00:33 Zhao shift summary
  • 8419 09/01/98 00:32 cdaq Beam Time Accounting