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    User name Eschulte

    Log entry time 17:13:09 on February 22,1999

    Entry number 9869

    This entry is a followup to: 9861


    keyword=HMS HV problems

    The CAEN Crate 1 interlock line, which was removed in an effort to try to figure out why the crate kept turning off the high voltage, was replaced this afternoon to see if we could get the crate to trip again by moving wires around. While we were moving wires around on the front panel of the crates, nothing happened. We then tried the wires on the back of the panel which supplies the interlock signals. Upon moving these wires, several of them came loose.

    The loose wires, plus a few other loose connections, were resoldered and the panel was replaced in the rack with the HV power supplies. The interlocks to all of the CAEN Crates were reconnected. Crate 1 will be watched for the next several hours to see if it trips again.

    Elaine Schulte