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    User name R. Tieulent

    Log entry time 00:28:33 on April 1,1999

    Entry number 11215

    keyword=March 31, Swing shift

    1600 : HMS Dipole trip at the end of the ramp up.

    1630 : HMS Dipole trip at the end of the ramp up.

    1700 : JohnA advised to move scaler gate from TSGO to EN1.

    1705 : the HMS Dipole finally came back up.
    Start taking data 2% radiator IN, 12 cm LD2 target

    1740 : Change Radiator from 2% to 4%

    1800 : Dead time really high (~40%) change the HMS trigger from 3/4 to 4/4.

    1805 : Data acquisition problem, ROC 5 down.
    Reboot all the ROCs.

    The Dead time go done to 10% with thr HMS trigger set at 4/4

    1835 : HMS Dipole trip

    1930 : The magnets PC is dead, no more update.
    Try to reboot using "Eldatic Dipole HMS" but nothing append

    2000 : reboot the Dipole PC and Q1

    2030 : start taking data again
    6% radiator HMS trigger 3/4 -> ~50% dead time...

    2040 : change the HMS trigger from 3/4 to 4/4 -> ~12% dead time

    2110 : HMS Q2 trip

    2210 : RF trip (beam came back at 23.20)

    2310 : HMS Q2 trip

    2330 : Start taking data again (6% radiator, LD2 12 cm)

    2400 : HMS Q2 trip