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    User name L.Tang

    Log entry time 23:59:17 on April 4,1999

    Entry number 11364

    This entry is a followup to: 11363

    keyword=Swing shift record and summary

    16:00 Still in the process of reset the HMS Q2
    16:15 HMS Q2 tripped again 1 minute after the previous reset was completed.
    Radiator: 2%, beam current: 40 uA. We took a SOS run instead.
    16:35 MCC took the beam away for regular system check.
    17:26 Q2 tripped again before MCC give us CW beam.
    17:29 Beam back on but Q2 is not ready yet. Start another SOS run.
    17:34 Q2 tripped again before reaching its set current. It is struggling.
    18:43 We finally brought Q2 back by removing beam. We will try to start
    with lower beam current (20uA) for one test run.
    18:51 Q1 tripped and need to reboot.
    19:39 Q2 tripped again.
    20:40 Q3 and D tripped. Took SOS run only while reset HMS magnets.
    21:16 Q2 tripped during SOS run.
    23:13 Q2 trips again (rebooting)
    23:40 Before Q2 is ready Q1 tripped.

    Overall we have been struggling all night long to reset HMS. Most of the
    time is Q2. Since 18:43 we have been using only 20uA beam. Also, each
    time Q2 tripped, we have to remove beam in order to bring it back.