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    User name Potterveld

    Log entry time 08:55:10 on April 6,1999

    Entry number 11568

    This entry is a followup to: 11567

    keyword=HMS hall probes

    Checking the epics data events from replayed runs, I find that the HMS hall probe
    data are missing since the first run taken yesterday afternoon, ie, they NEVER
    made it into the event stream! My guess is that the hall probe box has slipped
    back to 300 baud. Whether or not this was caused by HV reboots before we started
    running is unknown. If we make an access, I'd like to check the status of the
    hall probe box, set it back to 9600 baud if necessary, and then try rebooting the
    HV to see what happens. Or else figure out how to set the VME terminal line
    to 300 baud!