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    User name eschulte

    Log entry time 00:05:16 on April 7,1999

    Entry number 11595

    keyword=Swing Shift Log

    16:00 Shift begins under controlled access to fix the perpetually tripping Q2. The
    access started around 12:00 today. No estimate as yet of how long the access will
    continue. No beam.

    20:40 MCC calls to give us an update. They report no beam available this shift.
    They can attribute 2.5 h to software, and they have gone back to the older version.
    This software change necessitates retuning the cavities. They estimate at least 1
    hour before beam can be restored. S. Lassiter, P. Brindza, W. Vulcan, and M. Fowler
    are still working on the magnet.

    20:40 S. Lassiter, P. Brindza, W. Vulcan, and M. Fowler come back up and report
    that the magnet is back. They report that there is a board in the direct line of site
    of the target and radiator. They have no spares.

    22:00 MCC calls to let us know that they are still having problems. They have a
    cryo problem, which they have the cryo-coordinator working on. Tim is going
    to send someone over to sweep the HMS hut and bring us back to Beam Permit.
    They will send us 5 pass pulsed beam when they get the cryo problems fixed.

    22:25 MCC changes hall status to Beam Permit

    23:30 MCC sends 5uA pulsed beam into hall.