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    User name eschulte

    Log entry time 00:06:15 on April 7,1999

    Entry number 11594

    keyword=Swing Shift Summary

    Shift started out with the continuation of the controlled access to fix the Q2 magnet
    tripping problem of the past several days. About 20:45, S. Lassiter, M. Fowler,
    P. Brindza, and W. Vulcan concluded their work and the magnets were reset.
    The experiment was back up by 21:15. MCC has had problems all evening, so there
    was no available beam all shift. At 22:25 they completed their sweep of the hall and
    returned the hall status to Beam Permit. At 23:30 they began sending 5uA pulsed
    beam into Hall C. Data taking is to proceed with 30 uA on a 2 percent radiator LH2