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    User name Keppel

    Log entry time 07:58:40 on April 7,1999

    Entry number 11604

    keyword=Shift Summary

    We were plagued with HMS magnet trips (see magnet trip summary entry), Q2 predominantly.

    Bob Michaels called around 1:30 AM as Hall A began their helicity-correlated charge assymetry tests. These will go all night, causing effects in Hall C only as large as 0.5%, according to Bob....should be fine.

    We had no beam or pulsed beam the first two hours, and then began data-taking (sometimes SOS only) around 2:15.

    The beamtime accounting table considers only HMS running for "acceptable beam in use", putting the SOS-only runing to "beam available but not in use".

    MCC called and said that we had an ESR trip. We had no evidence of it, so we cautiously ignored it and it went away (they called back to indicate).

    At 3:30 accelerator lost a "box supply". We ended run 24133 to wait for beam, which reappeared at 4 AM.

    We changed to the deuterium target during a dipole trip around 4:15 AM...we had obtained 98.9mC by then.

    The dipole tripped because it didn't have any helium! Apparently the level started going down around 9 PM. Q2 and Q3 were also low (30% and 45%). The cryo people were called in to have a look at the ESR and things look fine from their end. Paul Brindza talked us through opening some valves to fill.

    Accelerator had RF troubles and the beam tripped off around 6 AM. Not even any more SOS running for us :(

    Paul came in and we proceeded with refilling the magnets for the rest of the shift.