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    User name saw

    Log entry time 00:10:16 on April 20,1999

    Entry number 12289

    keyword=Shift summary

    Started HMS at 28.47 running with a momentum of 4.501 GeV/c.

    2 hours of systems checks. (1.5 predicted)

    Increased beam current to 50 microamps. Had some trouble keeping temperature stable, but we increased the flow of coolant a bit. We are still taking less coolant that Hall A.

    Had some DAQ funnyness. A sync error in the middle of run 24530 essentially stopped the DAQ, but we didn't notice for a few minutes. The next run then seemed to start OK, but replay bombs on it. I am pretty sure that it is just a combination of some bad stuff at the beginning of the run and an anal retentive engine. Since the run is 1.25 hours long I'll figure out how to replay it.

    The real fun was seeing Q2 report a PSU readback of 1250 Amps. It was apparantly set correctly, but attempts to resend the proper current caused Q2 to actually try to go to 1250 (or something large).

    Oh, and by the way, from runs 24525 to 24532, we had the wrong HMS momentum in the runinfo header the actual momentu is 4.501, not 5.669.