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    User name Potterveld

    Log entry time 11:07:23 on April 22,1999

    Entry number 12380

    This entry is a followup to: 12363

    keyword=HMS hall probe GUI

    I just tried running the HMS hall probe GUI and it seemed to be
    working OK. The GUI can become frozen if it times out reading an
    epics variable. This happens when the corresponding VME crate
    is rebooted (HMS HV and hall probe interfaces are in the same VME
    crate). If you notice the values seem to be frozen, just quit the
    GUI and restart it. You can either quit all the HMS and SOS windows
    and restart them from the pull-down menu (mouse click in the display
    background) or you can restart individual ones by running the
    appropriate TCL script:

    ~cvxwrks/qhall.tcl (HMS)
    ~cvxwrks/SLOWC/SOS/sos-monitor.tcl (SOS)