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    User name Mmiller

    Log entry time 16:03:04 on April 25,1999

    Entry number 12520

    keyword=Day Shift Summay

    Cole, Miller and Schulte

    * 8:00
    Started shift half-way through a series of LD2 runs. Will
    continue to 1 Coulomb and then switch to LH2.

    * 9:00
    Switched HMS trigger to 3/4 for one run. With prescaling at 1
    for the HMS and 50 for the SOS, deadtime is about 25%. Changed
    SOS to 200, but it made little difference.

    * 9:20
    Switched HMS trigger back to 4/4 and SOS prescaling to 50.

    * 9:40
    Online replay of run 24651 is reporting extra events from ROCs 2
    and 4. DAQ looks ok.

    * 10:08
    During run 24652, event rate went to zero (at about HMS event
    number 92k). Now DAQ error messages, but ROCs 2, 3 and 5 went
    red. Rebooting ROCs 2, 3, 4 and 5.

    * 10:15
    DAQ is still unhappy - halted run to reboot ROC 3 and trigger
    supervisor. Just after run ended, Q2 tripped. PC was frozen so
    we rebooted it...

    * 10:38
    Q2 and DAQ are ready and we've started a run.

    * 11:20
    Got a tcl stacktrace from the HV monitor. Since we're getting
    errors now, we will, at next run end, reboot the HMS and SOS HV
    VME crates, which have been down for some time.

    * 13:10
    Changed to LH2 target.

    * 15:11
    Q2 tripped - pc needed to be rebooted.

    * 15:30
    Q2 back on.