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    User name bryon

    Log entry time 20:00:57 on April 26,1999

    Entry number 12573

    keyword=sos hodoscopes which turned off for runs 24690,24691

    We lost the selected channels of the SOS plane 2 HV to trips sometime between
    run 24689 and 24690. The reset trips button will not clear these channels so I have
    turned the planes off, meaning that we will no longer get SOS triggers. Fix this either
    during the shutdown or when someone who knows what is going one comes in.
    Searching thought the SOS map file at /cdaqh1/d1/epics/apple/hv_sos/perl/HV.hvc
    I find that all the channels in question are on the same HALF of one of the card in one of the crates, crate 12, channels 32-39. Suspect that either (half?) of the card
    is bad or that the crate needs a hard reboot. Wait until maintenance period for this.

    FIGURE 1