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    User name csa

    Log entry time 08:33:54 on April 29,1999

    Entry number 12610


    keyword=Before we get going again...

    Some stuff that might need attention before we get going again:

    SOS DC 1 HV wc1_pw shows undervoltage.

    SOS calorimeter A04+ trips with overcurrent.

    SOS magnets are off.

    SOS encoder angle is not correct.

    Not all HMS scintillator HV were on. I turned them all on, then it occurred to me that the current experiment may be running with some paddles shut down. Change if necessary.

    A whole bunch of HMS calorimeter tubes show undervoltage.

    HMS Cerenkov pressure reads 16.97 psi (new camera on the meter), but last time we could see that guy (4/24) it was about 11.6 psi. The display is blinking, though, maybe indicating that the meter is not happy for some reason?