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    User name bryon

    Log entry time 00:02:12 on April 30,1999

    Entry number 12648

    keyword=shift summary

    Waiting for beam at start of shift
    Beam Back at about 18:30
    Minor problems getting things set up and stable
    18:45 ROC 4 crashes
    19:50 ROC 4 crashes
    20:00 Beam away for 10 minutes for MCC
    20:30 HMS S2 Hodo planes drop out during run
    20:50 HMS dipole drops out during run (suspect lost NMR)
    21:30 Begin DAQ again.
    22:30 Hall A requests to take beam away for a few minutes
    22:50 Beam back
    22:57 DAQ problem...runs 24726,24727 junk or don't exist
    23:03 Restart DAQ, begin taking data..
    23:50 ROC 4 crashed again
    Reboot and restart DAQ at 23:58

    Score: 3 ROC 4 crashes, 1 odd DAQ crash, 1 dipole crash, 1 HMS hodoscope trip