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    User name Johna

    Log entry time 00:12:04 on July 16,1999

    Entry number 14296

    keyword=SOS trigger PID thresholds.

    While getting ready for the BCM calibration, I looked at the HMS PID
    thresholds (they were OK, at least for 4 GeV running). I looked at the SOS as
    well, and it looked as though the thresholds were too high. I might have been
    fooled, because there were very few electrons, but I lowered the thresholds just to
    be safe when we go back to (e,e'p) running.

    old new (all thresholds are negative, and in mV).
    SHHI 66.0 53.7
    PRHI 35.3 27.6
    PRLO 28.7 22.3
    CER 36.4 30.8

    The changes were made between runs 25540 and 25541. The thresholds may
    be a little lower than optimal, but we should still get good pion rejection in the
    trigger, and it's better than losing electrons. For all of the previous data (in the
    last two weeks, at least), the SOS Cerenkov seemed to be working fine. As long
    as the cerenkov was in decent working order, the lower calorimeter pid efficiency
    should not cause any problems.