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    User name mack

    Log entry time 12:40:12 on October 6,1999

    Entry number 18129


    keyword=check hms s2y

    We may be picking up some trigger inefficiency at the extreme ends of the hms Y hodoscopes. The ADC hit patterns look okay but the TDC hit patterns are breaking symmetry in top versus bottom, particularly in S2. We need only 3/4 scintillators, but a correlated problem in the S1y and S2y hodoscopes could cause loss of events at large +- hsdelta. The problem is more evident now because we are putting a continuum on the focal plane.

    I looked at the hodoscope efficiency statistics in hms28118.txt which was replayed for 100k events. Because of multiple scattering, the absolute values can't be trusted, but one can compare the two ends and the efficiencies in some cases are different by 10%.

    FIGURE 1