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    User name Mack

    Log entry time 10:46:27 on October27,1999

    Entry number 18744

    This entry is a followup to: 18716

    keyword=God save us from epics

    I don't think using epics to report the state of hardware is particularly reliable.

    The good news regarding Dave P.'s recent upgrades on the sos magnet control is that the software calibration for the beam current is under Hall C control, and the ioc in question (vmec15 according to SAW) is owned by us and one of our most reliable. Therefore, WHEN (not if) the day arrives that the beam is really off and yet this code prevents cycling of the SOS magnet, we'll only lose about 1/2 shift.

    The ioc reporting the sos angle is one of our least reliable. However, the worst case inconvenience would be that, when cycling the sos at a large angle, we'd unnecessarily be forced to turn the beam off. That's no big deal.

    Of course, the day will come when the beam is on, the sos is at a small angle, the software is lied to by epics, and the code still permits cycling. But I can't complain since that's equivalent to the status quo.