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    User name mack

    Log entry time 11:41:41 on November11,1999

    Entry number 18901

    This entry is a followup to: 18899

    keyword=sos yscint okay

    I checked the spe noise on sos s2y4+ and - at the output of the splitter (the path going to the discriminators). The s2y4- was at 2.3 mV or so which is nominal. The s2y4+ was at 6.4 mV which is very high. I was not being fooled by an especially noisy channel; the noise on s2y4+ is "typical". Since we are super-efficient rather than in-efficient, trigger systematic studies are in progress, and 2728 volts doesn't scare me, I'm not going to lower the s2x4+ high voltage at this time.