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    User name Johna

    Log entry time 13:15:24 on November19,1999

    Entry number 19679

    keyword=Reduced amplification of lucite signals.

    I went through and set a constant amplification for all of the lucite signals (~x4).
    I put a 130mV x 8ns signal into each channel, and tuned the output to 500mV.
    I also tweaked the offsets on a couple of channels, but they were all within a few mV
    of zero (AFTER the gain reduction; before the reduction a couple were at ~50mV).
    Finally, I changed the CAMAC discriminator (for each PMT) from 220mV to 50mV.

    Here is the size of the 130mVx8ns signal with the original amplifier settings:
    (the module is 8x2, channels are as shown below).

    1260x8 2000x35
    1700x8 1500x8
    1200x8 1500x8
    1350x8 1600x8
    700x8 1100x8
    1200x8 1350x8
    1700x8 2700x10
    2700x10 1900x8

    So the old settings varied between a factor of 5 and 70, with all but two between
    9 and 26.