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== General information ==
== General information ==
This article will cover all things Hall-C Moller. currently, this includes all of the Qweak information. Information for past experiments can be found in the experiments section. This page is currently under construction, so please come back soon for more, or update me.
This article will cover all things Hall-C Moller. Currently, this includes all of the Qweak information. Information for past experiments can be found in the experiments section. This page is currently under construction, so please come back soon for more, or update me.
== Documentation and references ==
== Documentation and references ==
* [[How to Take a Moller Run]]
* [https://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/images/8/8e/Hallc_moller_osp.pdf Moller OSP]
The following are useful references:
The following are useful references:
*[http://jlab.org/~magee/moller/High%20precision%20polarimeter A High Precision Polarimeter] (jlab document JLAB-PHY-99-29)
*[[Sign of the beam polarization]]
*[http://jlab.org/~magee/moller/loppacher_moller.pdf Loppacher's thesis]
* Moller NIM Article ([http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900201001978 NIM A Server] or [http://arxiv.org/abs/nucl-ex/9910013 arXiv])
*[http://jlab.org/~magee/moller/g0_polarimetry.pdf g0 polarization] (draft 3)
* Matthias Loppacher's thesis ([https://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/images/5/54/Loppacher_moeller_thesis.pdf pdf])
* Sarah Phillips' note on g0 Forward Angle Polarimetry ([https://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/images/9/91/G0_polarimetry.pdf pdf])
The following is a plot showing a good tune of the apparatus. It was taken Nov. 14, 2010 from run 475, with conditions: hallc:p is 1160.09 MeV, with a 1um target.
Hardware related information (under construction)
* [[Collimators]]
* [[Magnets]]
* [[Targets]]
* [[DAQ, Trigger, Slow controls]]
* [[Detectors]]
Also, a screen shot of the moller medm screen. Note the Q1 and Q2 currents, and the location of the collimators. This data may change, but should be accurate for the near term.
The following is a plot showing a good tune of the apparatus. It was taken Jan 30, 2011 from run 700, with conditions: hallc:p is 1159 MeV, with a 1um target.
==Hardware configuration & changes==
NB: Up until last run in December (date tbd)we used BCM 2 with gain from Kat's Faraday cup measurements.
*(Jan 30, 2011) Increased the left and right detector high voltages as follows
<table border="1.0" cellpadding="3">
<th>  </th><th>  New HV </th><th> Old HV </th>
<td> Left  </td> <td> 1510 </td><td> 1480 </td>
<td> Right </td> <td> 1535 </td><td> 1520 </td>
== Experiments ==
== Experiments ==
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**[http://www.jlab.org/~magee/moller/qweak_moller_sbys.v1.pdf Qweak Moller How-To] (''pdf'')
**[http://www.jlab.org/~magee/moller/qweak_moller_sbys.pdf Qweak Moller How-To] (''pdf'')
**[http://www.jlab.org/~magee/moller/qweak_moller_sbys.v1.tex Qweak Moller How-To] (''tex file'')
**[http://www.jlab.org/~magee/moller/qweak_moller_sbys.tex Qweak Moller How-To] (''tex file'')

Latest revision as of 12:53, 16 August 2023

General information

This article will cover all things Hall-C Moller. Currently, this includes all of the Qweak information. Information for past experiments can be found in the experiments section. This page is currently under construction, so please come back soon for more, or update me.

Documentation and references


The following are useful references:

Hardware related information (under construction)

The following is a plot showing a good tune of the apparatus. It was taken Jan 30, 2011 from run 700, with conditions: hallc:p is 1159 MeV, with a 1um target.

Moller plot jan30 2011.png
