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== Qweak Run 2 preparation ==
* [http://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/images/0/08/MeanResponseQWADv3.pdf ''characterize all v3 QWADs by giving calibration input signal'']
* ''Verify each program step of the motion mechanism''
* ''install QWADs for all detector planes:''
Beam Left    : QWAD10  QWAD04  QWAD02  QWAD03
Detector plane:  p1      p2      p3      p4
Beam Right    : QWAD05  QWAD06  QWAD08  QWAD09
* ''clamp ribbon cable's ground-shield to the vacuum-can''
* ''prepare DAQ for data taking (reinstating to the run-1 status)''
* ''cross-check the cable-labels''
* DAQ tests
** check chip-scope view of the LVDS response
** reason for appearance of 255's
** check for 'missing events' in the overlap region
** vary involved parameter and check responses.
* update the wiki page
** for emergency response
** for information related to the subsystem
''Italics'': represents completed
'''General Font''': still to be done
== Standard Running Procedure ==
== Standard Running Procedure ==
'''These instructions should be followed religiously, without exception. The person using beam time alloted for e-detector, should everytime take a print-out of the following procedures and follow it to every step. If any of the following procedure can not be followed due to any operational trouble, an hclog entry should be made'''
'''with the previous beam activity ongoing (parasitically)'''
* from any cdaq machine, from the directory ~/compton/ execute '''StripTool  edetectorEpics.stp''' . This pulls up the strip chart of some relevant epics variables for e-detector. If we are unable to locate this file, the following epics variables should be explicitly opened.  
* take a quick CODA run to check DAQ functionality
* check analyzer functionality
* from any cdaq machine, from the directory ~/compton/ execute '''StripTool  edetectorEpics.stp''' . This pulls up the strip chart of some relevant epics variables for e-detector. If you are unable to locate this file, the following epics variables should be explicitly opened.  
** 4 Hall-C Chicane BPMs
** 4 Hall-C Chicane BPMs
Line 14: Line 30:
** Rates on Scintillator (cComptScintRateNorm) on the Compton laser table, along with Photon detector Rates (cComptPhotonRateNorm)
** Rates on Scintillator (cComptScintRateNorm) on the Compton laser table, along with Photon detector Rates (cComptPhotonRateNorm)
* Turn on the HV on the e-detector planes. (Current operating voltage: plane-2: -260V, plane-3: -360V, plane-4: -360V)
'''Request beam to be set through the chicane, with FFB turned ON'''
Request beam to be set through the chicane, with FFB turned ON
* Check Chicane view: on any cdaq machine type '''edmmonticello''', from the '''Monticello''' screen
* Check Chicane view: on any cdaq machine type ''edmmonticello'', from the ''Monticello'' screen
** open '''Magnets''' -> '''Magnet Commander'''
** open ''Magnets'' -> ''Magnet Commander''
*** '''3C''' -> '''Compton Combo'''
*** ''3C'' -> ''Compton Combo''
*** In this '''Hall C Compton Control''' screen, the ''REQUESTED'' and ''ACTUAL'' current readbacks should be ~104 A
*** In this ''Hall C Compton Control'' screen, the ''REQUESTED'' and ''ACTUAL'' current readbacks should be ~104 A
** open '''BPM''' -> '''BPM Overview'''  
** open ''BPM'' -> ''BPM Overview''
*** open '''Absolute''' ->  on the Hall C column from the left bottom of this screen
*** open ''Absolute'' ->  on the Hall C column from the left bottom of this screen
*** BPM '''3P01A''', '''3P02A''', '''3P02B''' and '''3P03A''' should have finite non-zero read back
*** BPM ''3P01A'', ''3P02A'', ''3P02B'' and ''3P03A'' should have finite non-zero read back
* Check compton rates from the photon detector (typically 600 per uA per second)
* Check compton rates from the photon detector (typically 600 per uA per second ?)
** 'If the Scintillator rates are too high (> 2000 Hz/uA), '''DO NOT''' proceed without talking to an expert from photon detector group.
** If the Scintillator rates are too high (> 2000 Hz/uA), '''DO NOT''' proceed without talking to the Compton-on-call
** The Fast feedback has been observed to give lower background rate, the status of FFB can be checked on the HALL-C general tools screen on the main-monitor of HALL-C
** The Fast feedback has been observed to give lower background rate, the status of FFB can be checked on the HALL-C general tools screen on the main-monitor of HALL-C
==Backout Procedure==
==Diamond strip electron detector==
<!-- ==[[Test Box]]== -->
The electron detector in use is a 21mm x 21mm CVD diamond microstrip. We are using 4 planes of the above detector for coincidence measurement. Each of the 4 planes are separated by ~ 1cm  with the strips of each plane aligned to ~ 20 &micro;m. Each plane contains 96 horizontal diamond strips (polycrystalline CVD diamond). Each strip is 180 &micro;m wide and they are separated by a 20 &micro;m gap. Metalization was done on each plane with Titanium-Platinum-Gold (TiPtAu). The carrier boards are in Ceramic (alumina).
  [[Image:El det diamond.png|700px]]
'''Request beam to be taken off, for lowering the e-detector'''
The way we had to connect the flex cables to the QWAD boards, we lose the first 4 strips of the detector to the QWAD and Flex grounds. Hence the strip # 5 reaches that QWAD pin which should have received strip # 1, hence the Data acquisition treats the 5th strip as strip # 1. In order to avoid confusion and repetative explanation, in all plots generated, we just treat as if the detector has strips starting from position of 5th strip and the position of the compton-edge as spotted in the spectrum is appropriately corrected.
* Lower the e-detector to a position in accordance with current run plan
** Motion mechanism [[https://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/index.php/E-Detector_Motion_System#Motion_Mechanism_GUI]]
*** begin with the program '''Go Home'''
*** '''jog''' to the intended position
*** Request beam according to the intended run plan
==Run Plan ==
=== Technical Diagram ===
=== Nov 17 ===
* Form an external coincidence between strip #5 or 6 of all three planes.
** count it on a visual scaler. look at each of the 3 plane signals on a scope to determine a good coincidence window.[this setup is ready]
** record 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 at 2.8, 2.0 and 1.2 cm from the beam, with and without beam. Collecting statistics for ~ 3-5 minutes
* Repeat above with the full DAQ. Again 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 at same distances from the beam, with and without beam.
** Try a couple of different trigger coincidence widths in the 100 - 250 ns range.
** Take a few long runs with 2/3 and 3/3 trigger at 1.5 cm from the beam, with and without beam, with and without laser
=== Nov 22 ===
Seek a beam time of 6.5 hrs. Following tasks to be accomplished:
* With laser turned off for this entire running period resolve the plane-4 HV ambiguity:  (~ 1 hr)
**look at output from all 3 planes on the scope, triggering on 2-plane coin while turning on HV of only one plane at a time
***do this for plane-2 and plane-3 first
***finally turn on p4  (repeat for a few neighboring strips if needed)
***record scope shots triggered on coincidences
* with the DAQ, try to observe a shift in the strip pattern as the detector is lowered towards the beam. (~ 3.5 hrs)
Following is the design layout of the diamond micro-strip detectors:
**If the plane-4 ambiguity is resolved then use all 3 active planes for trigger decision
**If plane-4 is not resolved, turn off the HV input to "plane-1" as well as "plane-4", mask the plane-4 signals and use 2-plane triggers only with plane-2 & plane-3.
**take quick runs to check if smaller or higher cut on minimum width helps
**try to find a trade-off between unmasking the strips neighboring the closest active strip and noise rates
**take 30 min runs with 5 uA, 3 uA and 1 uA beam with the detector at a reasonably close position (say 1.6 cm from beam)
**Repeat in steps of 1 mm as the detector is moved closer to the beam (~ 3 steps should be sufficient)
* HV scan for plane 2 only (~2 hr)
[[Image:EDet front schematic.JPG]]
**With the detector at the closest position, and a 3 uA beam scan the HV from 300 - 700V in steps of 100 V taking 10 min runs at each voltage
***use 2-plane trigger, check to see if the background is different with change in applied HV
***use a 1-plane trigger, check to see if the background is different with change in applied HV
**** It might be useful to increase the cut on minimum width in order to look over the excessive noise in the case of single-plane trigger.
=== upcoming beam-time (slot-1)===
<!-- ==  [[Shielded Flex Cables]] ==(narayan, !! notice that this link still exists and to do it neatly I should redirect that link to this position, left for later -->
* Looking for the Compton edge (~ 4 hr)
<!-- this is comment format-->
** Using 3 plane trigger, 20 uA beam, starting from y = 8.7 cm, with laser ON, take 15 min runs
*** starting y ~ -8.7 cm, move away from beam in steps of 0.2 cm, until we see the counts/strip becoming equivalent to no-laser or until y ~ -7.5 cm
*** with laser off, beam On; take data at positions y ~ -8.6, -8.0 and y ~ -7.5
:: (it would be interesting to have runs with laser Off at all of above positions, particularly when detector is close to beam)
* Nailing down the possibility of HV on p2 and p3 being swapped. (~ 0.5 hr)
== Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator ==
** we need to take runs with 2-plane trigger with HV turned on at the same vertical position and same beam current for
*** "plane-1" & "plane-3"
*** "plane-1" & "plane-2"
:: (above two will establish if plane-2 and plane-3 are also swapped!)
* from last run-plan (~ 2 hr)
The Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator, termed as QWAD has 48 channels on each electronic board. We would be using 2 QWAD boards per plane. One QWAD will process the signal from all odd strips of the detector, while another processing the signals from all even strips.
** HV scan using a 1-plane trigger using "plane-2"
*** mask off the plane 3 & 4, on which the HV is not being changed(to help minimize noise rate)
*** at y = -8.5, i = 10 uA and laser On
*** masking off slave-2 & 3(as was on Nov 22) and increasing the minimum accepted width further might prove useful
*** take a run @ V = -250V, -350V & -450V, only if a difference is seen, proceed in this part with smaller steps
*** vary HV from 250-700 V in steps of 50 V
*** take 5 min runs
** If above exercise shows the HV plateau, repeat the same with "plane 4"
** If above does not work, proceed to HV scan using 2-planes trigger
*** take a run @ V = -250V, -350V & -450V, only if a difference is seen, proceed in this part with smaller steps
*** vary HV from 300-700 V in steps of 75 V on "plane-2" & "plane-4" simultaneously (HV on "plane-2" shows a current readback beyond -260V)
*** take 10 min runs
===beam-time (slot-2)===
Though functionally the board is capable of operation in both positive as well as negative polarity. We shall be using it in negative polarity with the jumpers on the inner side of each channel ([[Media:QWAD.png| diagram elaborating jumper placement]])
* variation of min_width to see the variation in signal acceptance with 3-plane triggers
** at two different vertical positions
** vary min_width from 0-300 ns in steps of 25 ns
:: (these can be only 15 min runs)
:: (I expect to see a saturation effect, which will help us figure out an optimum value for this parameter)
* vary the Hold-off time from 200 ns to 500 ns keeping the min_width at the nominal 50ns
'''Qweak RUN-1 scenario'''
The QWAD (version-2) being used requires +5,-5 and two GND connections for its power supply. We are using two Agilent E3633A LV [[http://hallcweb.jlab.org/polwiki/index.php/Low_Voltage_Power_supply_for_QWAD power supply]] to provide the same. The QWAD boards would be attached to the vacuum - can in the tunnel whereas the power supply needs to be behind the Green Wall (2nd rack allocated), which adds a long cable of ~120 feet between the power supply and the consumer QWAD boards. We are using a 5 conductor 12 AWG cable for carrying 8 x 1.6A (~13A) from one power supply unit delivering +5V and 8 x 0.37A (~3A) from another unit delivering -5V. We use a 22 AWG cable for sensing the voltage at the load. A terminal block is used to send out this voltage to all of the 8 QWAD boards.
Noise measurements after installation of QWADs with HV turned ON to -250V on the detector planes 2, 3 and 4 can be seen on the [[Media:Installed QWAD noise rates.pdf |current noise rates]]
* variation of PWTL from 25-100 ns in steps of 25 ns
'''Qweak RUN-2 scenario'''
: (to see if the response of various planes and respective QWADs are different from the assumed (current used) 50 ns)
We have received 11 QWAD boards (version-3) at JLab. All of these boards were checked for expected functionality on each channel along with a quick noise check (at TRIUMF).
===beam-time (slot-3)===
* QWAD07 has some problem in channel-17
* variation of PWDL (keeping it larger than PWTL)
* QWAD10: still have the threshold values as found from TRIUMF
* modify the firmware to accept (say)10 values neighbouring the given trigger
* QWAD11: still have the threshold values as found from TRIUMF
: this will be a wild check to verify if we are losing anything at all due to miss-timing !
: this will check the off-timing if it is anywhere within +/- 5 clock cycles
===beam-time (slot-4)===
* modify the firmware to record the width of the incoming signals.
: use the existing counter which implements the min_width,
: it will be an interesting quantity to look at as we vary position or beam
==Backout Procedure==
==Low Voltage Power supply for QWAD==
# Turn OFF HV
<!-- ==  [[Low Voltage Power supply for QWAD]] (narayan, !! notice that this link still exists and to do it neatly I should redirect that link to this position, left for later ==-->
# Retract the detector to position defined as ''Go Home''
# Retract further to position defined as ''Garage''
The QWAD utilizes 3 different power supplies. For the main power input, we use Acopian 5 V supply. This has a small voltage adjustment screw on the back panel. They are behind the green wall in the rack HC01Z02. The lowest of these is used for +5V and the one above for -5V to the QWAD. The supply used for +5V has a blown LED hence the even though it is turned ON, a casual look may suggest that it is turned off. These two Acopian supplies have their ground connected at the supply itself. The actual connections are made on the back panel. This power supply takes the mainline power from its back plane using a screw-nut arrangement, rather than a standard plug. Caution is needed while working there.
# make hclog entry to inform completion of the intended studies, with any quick conclusion which are obvious
We are using Agilent 3633A for setting the external threshold of the QWAD. In the current mode it can deliver a maximum output of 8.0 V. If one indeed wants to go to higher values. The output should be brought down to 0V, then turning the output off. With the output being off, the set voltage may be set to (a maximum of) 9.0 V ; after which the output can be turned on again.
The Agilent power supply used for external threshold can be remotely accessed via the port 11 on hall C terminal server 5. One can access this by the command from any cdaq machine:
telnet hctsv5 2011
Next, the telnet prompt by pressing Ctrl + ]
at the telnet prompt explicitly set the line mode on the terminal
telnet> mode line
One may find detailed instruction for accessing it remotely via the RS232 connection in the manual ([[Media:Agilent_E3634A.pdf‎|User Guide]]).
<!-- ==  [[e-Detector Motion System]] == -->
==Motion controller==
For moving the e-detector to running position or to garage, first open the GUI which can help us do it remotely
* login to cdaql* as cvxwrks
* cd MEDM/compton
* edm -x HLC_E_CompED.edl
Before any motion on the e-detector is attempted, request MCC to have '''beam OFF''' and mask Compton electron detector motion FSD. There is no visual verification of this FSD on the motion GUI, so please confirm the masking before moving the detector.
=== Parking the detector ===
For taking the e-detector out of beam, it needs to be parked.
'''When to Park'''
# If we expect pulsed beam in order to re-established beam path after beam studies or a long downtime
# If we are sure of not running for a couple of days at a stretch
# If the beam is intended to be taken straight through (instead of the chicane)
'''How to Park'''
::::::::::::::::::: courtesy: ''Thanks to Dave Gaskell for the motivation to organize this information''
# Ensure beam is off and get the Compton electron detector motion FSD masked by requesting MCC.
# From the drop-down menu-1 (on the left-middle of the e-detector motion GUI), select the '''Garage''' and the detector starts going to Garage.
# On completion of this motion, the yellow highlighting goes away and the detector is well parked (out of beam) now.
==  [[Diamond strip electron detector]] ==
The above snapshot of the GUI is at a time when the detector was in Garage, so the above diagram is a good reference for this position. Inform MCC that the detector is Garaged and request the Compton electron detector motion FSD to be unmasked. It is safe to take beam now.
''''BEAM' position'''
While taking Compton production data, the e-detector needs to be in the 'BEAM' position. In this positions, the detector is a few millimeter away from the beam.
==  [[Test Box]] ==
(The 'BEAM' position stands for the vertical position of the e-detector at 8.7890 from its 'HOME' and this can be checked by the EPICS variable HCCEDPOS)
===How to move to 'BEAM' position===
This should preferably be done by an expert, or if you have been requested to do so by an expert
== [[Shielded Flex Cables]] ==
# Ensure beam is off and get the Compton electron detector motion FSD masked by requesting MCC. (The detector is most probably in Garage, when you start here)
# On the top drop-down menu-1 select '''Go HOME'''. (The detector would start moving towards its predefined HOME position)
# Once the above motion is complete (the yellow highlighting turns off), and you are at HOME you can see '''X=0.0000''' on the top left corner of the GUI. Now, select '''Go Pos 2''' from drop-down menu-1.
# At the end of this motion, the vertical position reader would now show '''X=8.6890'''. Check the Vertical Position Readback to confirm the position and inform MCC further requesting to unmask the corresponding FSD.
The following snapshot shows the motion GUI with the detector in standard running position.
==  [[Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator]] ==
[[Image:Edet running position.png]]
# The GUI's vertical motion view is counter-intuitive
# HOME is not the same as 'OUT OF BEAM'
# 'BEAM' position is not a position of the detector in direct beam
== [[Low Voltage Power supply for QWAD]] ==
===Identifying an unresponsive motion controller===
If the e-detector motion GUI shows a red color in "Comm" box. The GUI is possibly frozen. Following is a
[[Image:Edet motionGUI forzen.png]]
==  [[e-Detector Motion System]] ==
In this state, an expert should be contacted. The detector GUI may not work without the intervention of Dave Gaskell since this GUI runs on the Moller IOC which is managed by him. In case the detector GUI freezes while the detector was attempted to be moved, then beam can be taken only after ensuring that the detector is out of beam (by physically running 'program 3' locally from the motion controller in the Hall).
=== Experts to Call ===
In case the motion controller is not responding, please call one of the following experts in the given order:
# Amrendra Narayan (Cell # 662-617-4256, Google # 757-952-6126)
# David Gaskell
# Arshak (Yerevan collaboration)
==  [[e-Detector Assembly]] ==
==  [[e-Detector Assembly]] ==
<!-- == [[e-Detector High Voltage]] ==-->
==High Voltage==
We use an NHQ 202L HV power supply to give HV to the diamond micro strip detectors. Continuing with Qweak run-1 operating value, we intend to operate the detectors at -400V. The module is set to deliver negative voltage through a turn-switch on its side. This is not visible on the front panel. The actual value of the voltage can be set by the front panel knob or remotely. If the module is intend to be operated remotely. the DAC flip-switch should be flipped away from the knob.
This module is connected to port server hctsv4 at port 3. In order to connect to the device once has to execute frm any cdaql* terminal.
  telnet hctsv4 2003
This can be followed by following commands as found in the NHQ202L manual.
==Cables and Connections==
{| style="color:maroon; background-color:#ffffff;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="1"
! Plane #
! Slave #
! Cable #
| 4
| 1
| 28
| 4
| 2
| 22
| 4
| 3
| 18
| 3
| 1
| 25
| 3
| 2
| 21
| 3
| 3
| 17
| 2
| 1
| 24
| 2
| 2
| 20
| 2
| 3
| 16
| 1
| 1
| 27
| 1
| 2
| 23
| 1
| 3
| 19
''Courtesy: The above map was noted down by Arshak''

Latest revision as of 05:22, 27 February 2012

Qweak Run 2 preparation

Beam Left     : QWAD10  QWAD04  QWAD02  QWAD03
Detector plane:   p1      p2      p3      p4
Beam Right    : QWAD05  QWAD06  QWAD08  QWAD09
  • clamp ribbon cable's ground-shield to the vacuum-can
  • prepare DAQ for data taking (reinstating to the run-1 status)
  • cross-check the cable-labels
  • DAQ tests
    • check chip-scope view of the LVDS response
    • reason for appearance of 255's
    • check for 'missing events' in the overlap region
    • vary involved parameter and check responses.
  • update the wiki page
    • for emergency response
    • for information related to the subsystem

Italics: represents completed General Font: still to be done

Standard Running Procedure

  • from any cdaq machine, from the directory ~/compton/ execute StripTool edetectorEpics.stp . This pulls up the strip chart of some relevant epics variables for e-detector. If we are unable to locate this file, the following epics variables should be explicitly opened.
    • 4 Hall-C Chicane BPMs
      • 3P01A (IPM3P01A.XPOS , IPM3PO1A.YPOS)
      • 3P02A (IPM3P02A.XPOS , IPM3PO2A.YPOS)
      • 3P02B (IPM3P02B.XPOS , IPM3PO2B.YPOS)
      • 3P03A (IPM3P03A.XPOS , IPM3PO3A.YPOS)
    • Rates on Scintillator (cComptScintRateNorm) on the Compton laser table, along with Photon detector Rates (cComptPhotonRateNorm)
  • Turn on the HV on the e-detector planes. (Current operating voltage: plane-2: -260V, plane-3: -360V, plane-4: -360V)

Request beam to be set through the chicane, with FFB turned ON

  • Check Chicane view: on any cdaq machine type edmmonticello, from the Monticello screen
    • open Magnets -> Magnet Commander
      • 3C -> Compton Combo
      • In this Hall C Compton Control screen, the REQUESTED and ACTUAL current readbacks should be ~104 A
    • open BPM -> BPM Overview
      • open Absolute -> on the Hall C column from the left bottom of this screen
      • BPM 3P01A, 3P02A, 3P02B and 3P03A should have finite non-zero read back
  • Check compton rates from the photon detector (typically 600 per uA per second ?)
    • If the Scintillator rates are too high (> 2000 Hz/uA), DO NOT proceed without talking to the Compton-on-call
    • The Fast feedback has been observed to give lower background rate, the status of FFB can be checked on the HALL-C general tools screen on the main-monitor of HALL-C

Backout Procedure


Diamond strip electron detector

The electron detector in use is a 21mm x 21mm CVD diamond microstrip. We are using 4 planes of the above detector for coincidence measurement. Each of the 4 planes are separated by ~ 1cm with the strips of each plane aligned to ~ 20 µm. Each plane contains 96 horizontal diamond strips (polycrystalline CVD diamond). Each strip is 180 µm wide and they are separated by a 20 µm gap. Metalization was done on each plane with Titanium-Platinum-Gold (TiPtAu). The carrier boards are in Ceramic (alumina).

 El det diamond.png

The way we had to connect the flex cables to the QWAD boards, we lose the first 4 strips of the detector to the QWAD and Flex grounds. Hence the strip # 5 reaches that QWAD pin which should have received strip # 1, hence the Data acquisition treats the 5th strip as strip # 1. In order to avoid confusion and repetative explanation, in all plots generated, we just treat as if the detector has strips starting from position of 5th strip and the position of the compton-edge as spotted in the spectrum is appropriately corrected.

Technical Diagram

Following is the design layout of the diamond micro-strip detectors:

EDet front schematic.JPG

Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator

The Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator, termed as QWAD has 48 channels on each electronic board. We would be using 2 QWAD boards per plane. One QWAD will process the signal from all odd strips of the detector, while another processing the signals from all even strips.

Though functionally the board is capable of operation in both positive as well as negative polarity. We shall be using it in negative polarity with the jumpers on the inner side of each channel ( diagram elaborating jumper placement)

Qweak RUN-1 scenario The QWAD (version-2) being used requires +5,-5 and two GND connections for its power supply. We are using two Agilent E3633A LV [power supply] to provide the same. The QWAD boards would be attached to the vacuum - can in the tunnel whereas the power supply needs to be behind the Green Wall (2nd rack allocated), which adds a long cable of ~120 feet between the power supply and the consumer QWAD boards. We are using a 5 conductor 12 AWG cable for carrying 8 x 1.6A (~13A) from one power supply unit delivering +5V and 8 x 0.37A (~3A) from another unit delivering -5V. We use a 22 AWG cable for sensing the voltage at the load. A terminal block is used to send out this voltage to all of the 8 QWAD boards. Noise measurements after installation of QWADs with HV turned ON to -250V on the detector planes 2, 3 and 4 can be seen on the current noise rates

Qweak RUN-2 scenario We have received 11 QWAD boards (version-3) at JLab. All of these boards were checked for expected functionality on each channel along with a quick noise check (at TRIUMF).

  • QWAD07 has some problem in channel-17
  • QWAD10: still have the threshold values as found from TRIUMF
  • QWAD11: still have the threshold values as found from TRIUMF

Low Voltage Power supply for QWAD

The QWAD utilizes 3 different power supplies. For the main power input, we use Acopian 5 V supply. This has a small voltage adjustment screw on the back panel. They are behind the green wall in the rack HC01Z02. The lowest of these is used for +5V and the one above for -5V to the QWAD. The supply used for +5V has a blown LED hence the even though it is turned ON, a casual look may suggest that it is turned off. These two Acopian supplies have their ground connected at the supply itself. The actual connections are made on the back panel. This power supply takes the mainline power from its back plane using a screw-nut arrangement, rather than a standard plug. Caution is needed while working there.

We are using Agilent 3633A for setting the external threshold of the QWAD. In the current mode it can deliver a maximum output of 8.0 V. If one indeed wants to go to higher values. The output should be brought down to 0V, then turning the output off. With the output being off, the set voltage may be set to (a maximum of) 9.0 V ; after which the output can be turned on again.

The Agilent power supply used for external threshold can be remotely accessed via the port 11 on hall C terminal server 5. One can access this by the command from any cdaq machine:

telnet hctsv5 2011

Next, the telnet prompt by pressing Ctrl + ] at the telnet prompt explicitly set the line mode on the terminal

telnet> mode line

One may find detailed instruction for accessing it remotely via the RS232 connection in the manual (User Guide).

Motion controller

For moving the e-detector to running position or to garage, first open the GUI which can help us do it remotely

  • login to cdaql* as cvxwrks
  • cd MEDM/compton
  • edm -x HLC_E_CompED.edl

Edet parked.png

Before any motion on the e-detector is attempted, request MCC to have beam OFF and mask Compton electron detector motion FSD. There is no visual verification of this FSD on the motion GUI, so please confirm the masking before moving the detector.

Parking the detector

For taking the e-detector out of beam, it needs to be parked.

When to Park

  1. If we expect pulsed beam in order to re-established beam path after beam studies or a long downtime
  2. If we are sure of not running for a couple of days at a stretch
  3. If the beam is intended to be taken straight through (instead of the chicane)

How to Park

  1. Ensure beam is off and get the Compton electron detector motion FSD masked by requesting MCC.
  2. From the drop-down menu-1 (on the left-middle of the e-detector motion GUI), select the Garage and the detector starts going to Garage.
  3. On completion of this motion, the yellow highlighting goes away and the detector is well parked (out of beam) now.

The above snapshot of the GUI is at a time when the detector was in Garage, so the above diagram is a good reference for this position. Inform MCC that the detector is Garaged and request the Compton electron detector motion FSD to be unmasked. It is safe to take beam now.

'BEAM' position While taking Compton production data, the e-detector needs to be in the 'BEAM' position. In this positions, the detector is a few millimeter away from the beam.

(The 'BEAM' position stands for the vertical position of the e-detector at 8.7890 from its 'HOME' and this can be checked by the EPICS variable HCCEDPOS)

How to move to 'BEAM' position

This should preferably be done by an expert, or if you have been requested to do so by an expert

  1. Ensure beam is off and get the Compton electron detector motion FSD masked by requesting MCC. (The detector is most probably in Garage, when you start here)
  2. On the top drop-down menu-1 select Go HOME. (The detector would start moving towards its predefined HOME position)
  3. Once the above motion is complete (the yellow highlighting turns off), and you are at HOME you can see X=0.0000 on the top left corner of the GUI. Now, select Go Pos 2 from drop-down menu-1.
  4. At the end of this motion, the vertical position reader would now show X=8.6890. Check the Vertical Position Readback to confirm the position and inform MCC further requesting to unmask the corresponding FSD.

YOUR ARE DONE! The following snapshot shows the motion GUI with the detector in standard running position.

Edet running position.png


  1. The GUI's vertical motion view is counter-intuitive
  2. HOME is not the same as 'OUT OF BEAM'
  3. 'BEAM' position is not a position of the detector in direct beam

Identifying an unresponsive motion controller

If the e-detector motion GUI shows a red color in "Comm" box. The GUI is possibly frozen. Following is a

Edet motionGUI forzen.png

In this state, an expert should be contacted. The detector GUI may not work without the intervention of Dave Gaskell since this GUI runs on the Moller IOC which is managed by him. In case the detector GUI freezes while the detector was attempted to be moved, then beam can be taken only after ensuring that the detector is out of beam (by physically running 'program 3' locally from the motion controller in the Hall).

Experts to Call

In case the motion controller is not responding, please call one of the following experts in the given order:

  1. Amrendra Narayan (Cell # 662-617-4256, Google # 757-952-6126)
  2. David Gaskell
  3. Arshak (Yerevan collaboration)

e-Detector Assembly

High Voltage

We use an NHQ 202L HV power supply to give HV to the diamond micro strip detectors. Continuing with Qweak run-1 operating value, we intend to operate the detectors at -400V. The module is set to deliver negative voltage through a turn-switch on its side. This is not visible on the front panel. The actual value of the voltage can be set by the front panel knob or remotely. If the module is intend to be operated remotely. the DAC flip-switch should be flipped away from the knob.

This module is connected to port server hctsv4 at port 3. In order to connect to the device once has to execute frm any cdaql* terminal.

 telnet hctsv4 2003

This can be followed by following commands as found in the NHQ202L manual.

Cables and Connections

Plane # Slave # Cable #
4 1 28
4 2 22
4 3 18
3 1 25
3 2 21
3 3 17
2 1 24
2 2 20
2 3 16
1 1 27
1 2 23
1 3 19

Courtesy: The above map was noted down by Arshak