Electron Detector

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Revision as of 01:37, 5 March 2010 by Narayan (talk | contribs)
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  1. Diamond strip electron detector
  2. Test Box
  3. Shielded Flex Cables
  4. Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator
  • Shielded FLEX cables : We use costume made flexible printed circuit board to pass the detector signal to the Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator. These are flexible along the length only.
 :Connecting the Flex cable between Diamond Detector and QWAD
 Flex 004.JPG
:limited flexibility of FLEX cables
 Flex 005.JPG

  • Q-Weak Amplifier Discriminator.

  • The electron detector is moved in and out of the beam by the motion system showed below:
 El det vac motion.png

 El det syst.png