Compton Meeting, February 4, 2015
From PolWiki
*********NEW BLUEJEANS CALL-IN INSTRUCTIONS********* ---------------------------------------------------- 1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 1-888-240-2560 (U.S. & Canada) 2. International participants dial: Toll Number: 1-408-740-7256 3. Enter meeting ID: 831693292
No meeting room. Call in, or come to Dave's office.
- Polarimetry update at Qweak physics meeting this week.
Electron detector
- Rates for scalers and accumulators: Edet log 654
- Difference in asymmetry errors (scaler vs. accumulator): Edet log 655
- Ratio (Sc/Accum) of rates (laser on-off). Scaler rates always larger: Edet log 656
- Things we need to add/study for error table
- Helicity correlated position and angle - study as a function of beam/laser offset
- Fixed beam angle offset -what's the effect on asymmetry fit?
Photon Detector
- GEANT4 updates
- Update on snapshot comparisons to simulation Photon log 288 and Photon log 289
- Updated analyzing power?
- Effect of reflections on asymmetry Photon log 287
- N/A