From PolWiki
The electron detector
- The electron detector is placed 5 mm above the primary electron beam. To check that, I forced the energy of the scattered electrons to be the one of the primary beam (E=1.165 GeV). The figure below demonstrates that the electron detector is effectively located above the primary beam (ignore the photon detector and scattered photons).
- Then after restoring the scattered electron energy formula, 100 events are generated in the following figures:
- A close-up on the electron detector
- Now looking at some distributions and numbers. The simulation was run with the following inputs:
Beam energy = 1.165 GeV Beam polarization = 80% Dipole length and height: 125cm x 4.125" Laser: 532nm, 1kW and alpha_c=35.28 mrad
Ne_total | Ne_detected | Ne_kept | |
no cut | k'/kmax min cut | hh | |
text for row 2, column 1 | text for row 2, column 2 | text for row 2, column 3 |